Date(part two of Anxiety Attack)

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A few hours later..

Masahiro POV
"Come on Masahiro! Your gonna be late for your dateee!!" I hear Kensuke exclaimed.

"Who told you?!" I panicked. I know it was just Kensuke but I wanna know who told him.

"A little birdie just flew to me and told me! I'll help you get ready!" He said.

I-Kousuke and Kensuke really are brothers.

"It's alright! I'll manage." I said.

"Nope! You aren't getting away this time! Let's go!" He said as he grabbed my arm and then he started to pull me.

"Kensuke! Dammit why are you-" I said but before I knew it Kensuke was practically sprinting to my house and I was just clinging onto him.

Time Skip-

"Wear this Masa!" Kensuke said as he tossed some piece of fabric to me.

"What is..KENSUKE!" I screamed.

"What's wrong?" He asked innocently

"THIS IS WHAT'S WRONG DAMN IT!" I then showed him the clothing piece he gave me.

"It's cute! It'll look nice on ya!" He said, pouting slightly.

"No way. I am not wearing this!" I said to him.

"It's just a dress!" He said.


"Oh so you have something better?" He said sarcastically.

"Everything in my (small) wardrobe is better then this piece of fabric!" I said.

"Hmph!" He whined.

"Whine all you want, it's not affecting me in any way." I stated.

I threw the dress back at him and walked away. I then walked into my room and got:

 I then walked into my room and got:

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