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Au where Masahiro is a dancer but gets into a accident.

Masahiro POV
I was in my dance studio, trying to learn the choreograph but I was also really exhausted. Kousuke was also here with me and was waiting very patiently for me to finish. Damn, why the hell would they make this choreograph so damn hard?! Whatever. I've done much harder dances anyways. But due to exhaustion I couldn't really get anything done. Kousuke was just on his phone. I feel bad for making him wait. "Kou..I'm sorry. You can go, I'll be able to walk home." I say sending him a sad smile. "Angel, its alright. Take your time. If you need a break then take a break." He says as he walks towards me. "Jeez, stop worrying about me! I should be worrying about you." He says ruffling my hair a little. "I cant help it..its just how I am." I say blushing a little. "Haha..okay I'll stop messing with you, do you need water? I'll go get you some." He says as he stops patting my head. "No..Im okay thank you though.." I say to him. "Okay then, I'll go sit down." Kousuke says. I nodded and tried to learn the choreograph but still couldn't get anything done. After a few minutes I drank some water from my water bottle and was going to try again but suddenly I slipped and blacked out. The next thing I knew I was in the hospital. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Kousuke beside my bed, and the guys (Masahiro friend group y'knoww) scattered all around the room. Kousuke saw me awake and hugged me. "Masa-! Are you okay? You hit your head pretty hard.." He said as he let go of me. "Y-yeah..I'm okay now. But what happen-" I said but got interrupted by someone. "Masahiro!! Your alright! Thats good to know!" Kensuke while he goes over to me along with the others. "Yeah..but may I know what happened? All I know is that I hit my head on something really hard. What happened after that?" I asked. "You hit your head on the floor, I don't know what or how but you fell. I tried to wake you up but you wouldn't budge so I brought you to the hospital. They said that you were just exhausted and that your body couldn't hold you together so you basically just passed out." Kousuke explained. "Oh..sorry for causing you so much trouble though. I'll be careful from now on.." I say to him with a reassuring smile. "Its no problem, and good." He says to me as he smiles back. We were just grinning at eachother for a few seconds but it felt like hours passed. "I dont mean to interupt your little flirting session but we're still here. Flirt later!!" I hear Shige say and everyone started laughing while I just sat there with my face probably hotter then the sun. "Oh! So your awake! Thats good news." A nurse said and walked up to us. "You took a pretty hard fall, luckily it wasn't a huge injury. But be careful, and you also need to learn how to take a break. I can see your a hard worker.." She says to me and I smiled. At least people know how hard of a worker I can be.."Well, Masahiro is it? You should rest up. You'll be able to leave tomorrow if you get enough rest." The nurse says to me as she's walking towards the door. "Visiting are also over. But since you guys didn't cause a lot of trouble you can stay for a little more." The nurse says as she smiles over to us. We thanked her and the guys started talking again while I tried to get some rest. I feel someone plant a kiss on my forehead. I open my eyes to see Kousuke smile at me. "I love you.." he says. "I love you too.." I say it back. He asked if I could move over because he wanted to sleep beside me and I moved to the side. I felt his hands wrap around my waist. I was kinda embarrassed but was happy because it was Kousuke after all and we had a blanket on us to cover us. I knew the boys were looking at us and probably fanboying right now especially Kensuke but I didn't care really. I was just happy to have Kousuke and them by my side.

Words: 762

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