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Masahiro POV
Crap. How the hell did I get sick?! Oh yeah..I was running in the rain yesterday. Man! If only I knew it WAS going to rain I would've brought my umbrella but no the weather decided to be a bitch-ok ok im sorry i just dont like being sick. I ended up having to stay at Kousuke's house because my house was too far and it was foggy and thunder was heard. I slept beside Kousuke and I was also wearing one of his hoodies and sweatpants. I like his hoodie, it smells like him. Anyways, now I am here sick at my lover's house. Crap. What do I do now? I can't go to school-wait..if Kou found out I was sick..HE'D MISS SCHOOL TO TAKE CARE OF ME! I can't have him miss a day! Oh he's gonna have a lot of work the next day! Ok, i'll just try not to sneeze infront of him or cough or show any sign of sickness! Yeah that'll work-
"Babe? Are you awake?" I hear Kousuke say. He opens his door, "Ah so you are, I made you some porridge..I know your sick my love. Dont hide it from me." He says. "I-Im you missed work because of me.."I say to him. "You adorable little angel, dont be. Its my decision whether I should take care of you or not, and I chose to do it. Now, say 'ahh'." He says as he holds up a spoon with the porridge he made me. I stare at him for a few seconds but finally opened my mouth and he fed me. "Im not a good cook as you are, sweetie, so it might taste a little odd." He says to me. "Its the best, porridge from your amazing husband do taste good.." I say blushing. He looks surprised but says, "Wow..using my own words against me. How cute!" He says while scooping some more porridge onto the spoon. As he was gonna feed me again, his phone rang. He quickly fed me and took the call. "Ah, so sorry I didn't show up..yes..Im taking care of my wife. Yeah she's sick. I dont mind. Really? Aww thanks, thats amazing! Goodbye." He hangs up. "Was that the school?" I ask stupidly. "Yes my love, it was, they asked about my absence and I told them I was taking care of my gorgeous wife." He smiles at me. "I heard, no need to explain, dear." I say,blushing about what I said to him. He just smiled and kissed my forehead. "Okay babe, I'm going to get some medicine for you. I'll be back real soon okay love?" He says putting on a hoodie. "Oh okay" I try to stand up but I was too weak. "Angel, just stay in bed okay? Dont move too much." He says as he was going to the door. "Wait.!" I called out to him. "Hm? What is it love?" He says turning around. "C-come here real quick.." I say to him. He walks over to me and sits down on the bed. "Whats wrong, sweetheart?" He says to me as he caresses my cheek. "" I stuttered. "Babe, if you want anything then say it to me. I'll do or get anything for you." He says, still caressing my cheek. "B-but..what if you also g-get sick..?" I say as I blush. "What do you-oh.." He says as he realizes what I mean. He has a little smirk on his face and just leans in. We locked lips for only a few seconds but then pulled back. I blushed like mad. He's so smart..and handsome..wait..STOP IT MASAHIRO STOP THINKING ABOUT THAT!! "Your so cute and precious my love.." He says while holding my hand. "U-Uh..n-no..stop it..go get some medicine now.." I say to him blushing. He stands up. "Okay okay my angel..I'll go now." He says kissing my cheek. "I love you, and don't move so much. Just sleep." He says to me. But before anything I kissed his forehead, but not without having to pull him down because I couldn't exactly reach his height. "I-I love y-you too.." I say to him. He smiles at me and mutters, "Your too cute, Masa.." and he kisses me one last time and says goodbye. I waved at him and he smiles. I hear the front door shut. I already miss him..I love him so much..I love him more then he thinks I do.

A Few Minutes Later
Kousuke's POV
I just came back from the store to get my beautiful wife some medicine. As I walk inside I hear a sneeze followed by a cough. My poor angel, I really hope he feels better when I give him the medicine. I knock on the door and I hear my beloved wife say to open the door. I opened the door and I see him lying down on his back and his eyes were closed. He's so adorable!!! "Welcome back, Kou.." I hear Masa say as he tries to sit up. Next I hear a little 'ugh' come from the boy. "Masa! Be a little careful, I don't want you to move a lot.." I say to him sitting next to him. "S-Sorry's just that Im really happy you came back in only a few minutes.." He says as he tries to hold my hand. "Aw, my baby is so cute. Too cute actually." I say to him as I lightly sit on the bed with him. "Shut up..Im not as cute as you though.." I hear him say. "Damn why are you so cute?! I can't handle it!" I say to him as I hug him. He hugs back and plays with my hair a little. "Oh right! I got some medicine for you, you should take it now." I say as I reach over to the bag. I got out the medicine that'll make him feel better and ran down to get some water and a spoon. I ran back up and started to pour the medicine onto the spoon. As soon as the spoon filled up I told him to open up and he did. I fed him the medicine and gave him the water to drink. As he was done drinking the water I got onto the bed and cuddled him. He cuddled back and we were in that position until we hear the front door open and heard Kensuke and Hasekura talking. Kensuke is so loud. "Big Brother! Im home!!" We hear Kensuke shout out. We hear someone (aka Kensuke) going up the stairs and knocked on the door. I can see Masa pretend he's asleep just to avoid Kensuke's eyes.  I also pretend to sleep and thats when the door opened. "AWW-" We hear Kensuke shout but someone stopped him. "Babe, you shouldn't bother them like that. Lets go to your room, okay?" We hear Hasekura say softly. "Oh, okay!" Kensuke say as we hear him skip through the hallway to his room. Hasekura closes the door so we can get more privacy and as soon as he does I open my eyes. I look to where Masa is and his eyes are also open. "Kousuke..can we sleep? Im a little tired.." Masa says as he cuddles closer to my chest. "Of course..whatever you want.." I say to him as I hold him tightly. "I'll make us dinner when we wake that okay?" I hear Masa ask quietly. "If you can actually move, then of course its okay. But until then, I'll try to make something or I'll order." I whisper to him. "Okay..I love you.." I hear Masa say. "I love you more.." I tease. "Heyyy! Don't use that against me! Thats mean!" He says punching my chest lightly. "Haha, your so cute! Okay okay..get some rest. Have a good sleep baby.." I say to him. "Have a good" I hear him whisper. I smiled to myself. I love this man so much..I'll everything for him..

Woah this is actually so cheesyyy loool Hope you enjoyed! If you have any request tell me in the comments! Sayanara!
Words: 1406

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