I'll be here to protect you.

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Hasekura POV
Where is Kensuke?? It's been over 2 hours since he left to get something from the store along with Masahiro..if he touches my baby I'll kick his ass to the next generation and I'm not exaggerating. I had to ask Kousuke if he knew where his wife and brother were and he said he didn't know either. We were sitting down on the couch while trying to call our lovers..no answer..what the hell?! Where the hell are they?! Me and Kousuke decided to go out and look for them so thats what we did. We went to the nearby store that they were suppose to go to and asked the manager if they have seen 2 teenage looking boys. He said he has but they left the store about an hour ago. Okay, we were seriously scared about their whereabouts. We then got out of the store but the second the doors close we hear.."G-GET AWAY FROM ME!" And I knew that was Kensuke's voice. It came from a dark alleyway but oh boy was it loud. We ran to where the sound came from and found Kensuke pinned to the wall by some thug and Masahiro pinned on the ground..

Kensuke POV
"G-GET AWAY FROM ME!!" I shout as I try to kick the thug away. "Shut up babe..your making to much noise.." He says as he tries to kiss me. I was crying at this point but I know had Masa it worse..he was..about to get raped when 2 dark figures popped out of nowhere. They both sprinted towards us and punched and kicked the thugs away. Im pretty sure they broke the ones who were putting moves on me and Masa bones to shreds..that must've hurt a lot..but I only heard the bones..I didn't see anything. I was too focused on my tears and just wanting to be in Hasekura's arms. But then when the thugs ran or just got knocked out, I felt some arms wrap around me. "Ken..are you okay.?" I hear the one voice I've been longing to hear. "H-Hasek-kura..?" I stuttered. He took off his sweater and put it on me. Im so happy he's here right now. He was talking to someone saying that they best carry Masahiro all the way home. It was..Kousuke..he was talking to my brother. Hasekura carried me on his back all the way home saying that he was gonna kill those who put their hands on me. I told him not too because he could possibly go to jail for murder but he didn't care..

Masahiro POV
'Oh no..please..don't..please..' I thought to myself. I hear Kensuke shout something but I didn't know what. I was so focused on what was going to happen that I didn't realize that their was 2 people running over to us. One was helping Kensuke and his um..I guess abuser is how I should put, and the other one was helping me. I was on the verge of crying but I fought back the tears. I..was about to get raped by some thug..in an alleyway..why does this have to happen? Poor Kensuke..I really wish I could've helped him but..I couldn't..I was held down by the thug. That was the most terrifying experience I ever had to go through. But I was snapped out of my thoughts as soon as the thugs ran. Well, at least most of them did. Only 2 laid unconscious on the ground. I looked up and saw my lover, Kousuke, looking down at me. I was about to say something but he instantly hugged me tight. "M-Masa..are you..alright.?" He asked me softly. "Y-yes..are you..?" I asked him. "Yes..but Masa..d-did he..r-rape..you..?" He asks me. I didn't feel anything exactly 'in' me..so.."No..He didn't go that far..i mean..he was but then you showed up, Kou." I said giving him a sad smile. It looked like he wanted to cry.."Oi, Mr.Ooshiba..carry your wife, I'll carry mine too." I hear..Hasekura..? Oh, they both came for us. Kousuke carried me, I was on his back but before that he gave me his hoodie and helped me put it on. I couldn't because I was still so traumatized..I was able to speak to him a little before, 'Why am I still so scared? They're gone now..'I thought to myself as Kou helped me with his hoodie. We all then went home and we parted but only because Hasekura wanted to talk to Kensuke alone and Kousuke also wanted to talk to me.

Kousuke POV
"Masahiro..?" I say softly as I was sitting down with him on my bed. "Tell me..what happened.." I say as I caress his cheek. He flinched at first but leaned into my touch. "I-I-Im so sorry..I couldn't do anything..they were so strong..I was so weak..I wanted to get out of there with Kensuke but..they...." he started off, and little tears started to form in his eyes. I hug him tight and he started to quietly sob..those bastards..I'll become murderer and kill them..they touched my wife and my brother, but Hasekura will probably just kill them himself. We should half the guys. I kill, hmm, 3 maybe? Ahh I'll ask him later. Just then I hear my adorable angel whisper, "Kou..please...I don't want to ever experience that...so does Kensuke..please protect me..I know I sound desperate..but..Im scared..Im really scared.." He finishes his sentence when he looks up at me..he's so beautiful. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him towards me. Our foreheads are now touching. "Masa..I'll protect you even when you think you don't need it..I'll protect you until the end of time. I'll be there when you need me the most..I'll always be beside you..even when the whole world is against us..I'll be your light and you'll be mine..you were actually my light to start with but..still..I love you for all eternity." I finished my sentence planting a kiss on his forehead and pull him on the bed. I wasn't gonna do anything with him..like..yeah you all know(the creator doesn't want to say what because she says its awkward, I know, she's weird-creator: KOUSUKE YOU IDIOT GET BACK TO THE SCENE WITH YOUR WIFE DAMMIT! Kousuke:oops -.-) anyways, we were just cuddling for a while and Masa calmed down..I'm happy he did. His eyes are just closed but I know he's just thinking about stuff..just didn't know if it was good or bad stuff..as I started to get a little sleepy I hear my love say, "I love you..forever and ever.." and just like that he fell asleep on me..'Too adorable..' I say to myself.

Kensuke POV
Hasekura carried me all the way home..I hope he's not mad. When we got home we decided to have some alone time with our lover, to talk about what happened. So when we entered my room, he lied me down on the bed and was on top of me. "H-Haseku-r-ra..?" I stuttered. He then locked lips with me and it was only like that for a few seconds but I wanted it to last forever. He pulled away, got up, and told me to sit up. I did what I was told and sat up. "Tell me what happened." He said in a deadpan voice. "I-okay.." I agreed and told him everything. "Well..after me and Masa were done buying what we needed, we started to walk home but we passed by a group of thugs but I didn't see them..Masa did though and he knew they were trouble. He said that we needed to go a little faster and then some thug grabbed my shoulder but Masa grabbed me and started to run. We didn't know where we were going..we just needed to get to a safe place. We were running and hiding for at least 2 hours. But right when we thought we lost them...we ended up in the s-same a-alleyway they w-were in..and..y-you..a-a-already k-know.." I couldn't finish it because I was crying..really hard. Just remembering what happened to me, to Masa..its too much for me too process in only a matter of minutes. I then feel my lover hug me, very tight. I sobbed on his chest. After like..5 minutes of me sobbing, I started to calm down. But when I released myself from him he had a wet spot on his shirt. "W-what is with the w-wet spot?" I ask him. "Ken, thats all of your tears.." he says, kissing my forehead. "O-oh..sorry Hasekura.!" I say flustered. He chuckles but then puts on a serious face. "I don't want you to go anywhere alone without me..okay?" He says. "Only for the time being. I dont wanna go anywhere alone without you.." I say as I hug him tight. "Good boy..now, lets sleep..okay? You deserve some rest." He says as he pulls me down with him onto the bed. "Okay..Lets cuddle, Hasekura!!" I say loudly. "Okay, baby, okay." He says as he plays with my hair. "Ken, I dont want you to get involved with those thugs..im already planning their death-" "HASEKURA!! You shouldn't! I know what they did to me and Masa isnt right but..you could go to jail!!" I exclaim, punching his chest lightly. "And besides..who would be there to protect me when your gone..?" I say to him. He stays quiet for only a few seconds and sighs. "I guess your right babe. Okay, but seriously, lets sleep now." He says to me. "Okay..I love you Hasekura..always and forever.." I say as I nuzzle my nose onto his neck. "Oh Ken..I love you too..I love you more then you can imagine..trust me." He says kissing my head. I giggled and close my eyes. "I wanna be with you forever..and ever.." I say to him. "Then lets be together forever.." Hasekura says. We both giggled and somehow drifted off to sleep.

Oh my goodness this is probably one of the longest one shot i ever wrote! I hope you all did enjoy! If you want more please do me a favour and follow me and rating it! I love you all! Sayanara!
Words: 1802

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