I'll survive.....Maybe..

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Thank you for the request!

But I might change it up a bit ;)

Masahiro POV
-Coughs- Ugh..I hate this. Stupid flu.

I hate this.

Yes, I have the flu. It's been some time since I got it. It's pretty annoying. It's getting a lot worse. I know I should see the doctor but I've been very busy. School, then my part time job, then going to Kensuke's home. At the end of the day, I'll just be tired as hell.

I should sleep. It's pretty late.

Well, I hope I'll get better soon. Even though I know deep down it'll get worse.

Time skip to morning..
"Ahhh..." I yawned. What time is it? I checked my alarm clock. Huh..it's only 7:30. I have time to make myself some breakfast, actually..since it's early, I'll sleep for another 30 minutes. So with that I lie down and sleep for what I thought will be 30 minutes...

Two hours later

'Huh..? What time is it?' I thought as I rolled over to check my alarm clock.

'9:25...' I thought to myself.

"9:25!!!!!" I practically screamed but my voice cracked.

'My voice cracked? It must be because of my flu..I have no time! I gotta get to school!' I thought to myself as I jumped off my bed and start to change.

I quickly changed, brushed my teeth, put on my shoes, drank a glass of water, and ran out.

'Shoot! I forgot what period I got! What if it's math?! No wait..IT IS MATH SHOOT! I should've set my alarm clock to 8:00am!' I thought as I continued to run.

I finally got to the school within 4 minutes. I decided I needed to catch my breath before I go in. So that's what I did.

After like, 20 seconds I managed to somewhat breath properly. I started to walk towards the school.

Time skip to when he's walking to Kousuke's class

'Oh shoot. What am I gonna say? I'll just say I overslept because that's what I did.' I thought as I walked towards my lover's class.

I took a deep breath when I was in front of the door, and opened it.

Everyone turned towards me.

I look at Kousuke and slightly bowed.

"Gomenesai. I overslept." I say to him. I then coughed. It was a dry cough.

He stared at me for a second then said.

"....Come see me after class." He replied.

I nodded. I started to walk to my seat.

I sighed and just listened to what the lecture.

After class

Thank goodness. Class is finally over. As I was getting up from my seat I realize that I was suppose to meet my lover now. I sighed again and sat back down.

"Hey Masa come on, the bell rang." Kensuke said.

"Don't you remember Kousuke telling me to meet him after class?" I asked him.

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