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Masahiro POV
It's been a few weeks since Kousuke has been very busy with his work. I mean he's always been busy but right now he's loaded with papers and stuff. I know I shouldn't be getting all upset because of this but I honestly can't help it. I miss him a lot. I don't want to put any pressure on him because I'm sure he's already under a lot. Maybe tomorrow I'll have a chance to talk to him. I mean, it is a school day after all..and maybe he'll all the students again like he used too. I hope so. *Sigh* I really do have a lot of hope..I'll just sleep it off.

In the morning


Masahiro POV
*Yawn* I slept good..I wonder what time it is? Wait..8:50..?Wait..SHIT! SCHOOL STARTS IN 10 MINUTES OH CRAP!! UGHH HOW THE HELL DID I OVERSLEPT?! I jumped off my bed and start to take off my clothes and put on my uniform. Oh my lord I won't be able to make it in time-NO! I WILL! STOP WITH THE NEGATIVE STOPS MASAHIRO! I started to yell at myself and then somehow less then a minute later I managed to get all my uniform on. "I don't need to comb my hair since it basically looks the same as always."I say to myself as I look into the mirror. I turned on the sink and to wash my face and brush my teeth. After I've done all that it was already 8:55am. Oh crap I have no time to eat breakfast. I ended up just drinking a glass of water and running out. Don't worry I got my shoes on. I basically sprinted to the school and thankfully most of the students were still walking in. As I start ti calm down I hear the bell ring and I see Kousuke and my group of friends waving over at me. I was on the opposite side of the school and obviously the others were on the opposite of me aka where the school is. Without thinking of my surroundings I ran across the street. The next thing I hear is Kensuke scream, "MASAHIRO!! WATCH OUT THERES A CAR-" and the last thing I see is Kousuke running over to me. The very last thing I hear is a car honking, and that's when I thought, 'Is this how I was suppose to die-? Is this what people above me had planned? Am I suppose to die when I'm a high-schooler? Without being married to Kousuke?' Those were my last thoughts before I black out completely.

A few hours later..

Kousuke POV
It's been a few hours since my wife  got ran over..thankfully the nurses and doctors were able to save him..


Still Kousuke POV
"MASAHIRO!!" I yelled as the car just got finish running over his body. I couldn't believe this happen..the one person I love the most is on the road, lifeless. I wanted to cry my heart out but I had to stay strong. I yelled at the crowd to call an ambulance and thankfully Hasekura was just dialing it. I held him close to me as I prayed to the God's above to save him. 'Please..don't take him away yet..don't take him yet..I'll do absolutely anything..just don't take him away..' I prayed. I wasn't crying, I couldn't cry. I was just so shocked and mortified at what I just witness. A few minutes later the ambulance came and felt his pulse. That's where I heard the words I have never wanted to hear. (besides, "I'm sorry for your loss" Sorry I interrupted just wanted to clear this up-)
"HE DOSENT HAVE A PULSE! COME ON EVERYONE WE GOTTA MOVE FAST!" I asked if me and a few others can get in the ambulance with them and they agreed. As we were sitting the ambulance, Kensuke started to cry. "I-Is our Masahiro gonna be alright-?" Kensuke asked. "I'm not sure kid, but I promise you we'll do our absolute best to save him.."The nurse reassured him. "Crap..his head is bleeding again. Hey! I need some tissue! The kid's is bleeding again!" The nurse yells. I gently took my wife's hand and hold it to my forehead. 'Masa..I love you so much..please..just don't die on me..please.." I wanted to cry so bad, but no tears were pouring. We then reached the hospital and Masahiro was brought into the emergency room. They told us to sit and wait for a while.

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