Chapter 16:you dummy

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When I woke up Hayley was gone and I got a text from her saying she went to cheerleading tryouts and by the time I woke up it'd be over. I rub my face before sitting up and scrolling through my notifications. My dad texted me back when I texted him about me getting brought home and many text messages from Dylan and Yogi. I shake my head before seeing a text message from Henry and I clicked on it.

Hen: Do you know where Brayden is? I haven't seen him since football practice.

Me: no I'm at home and just woke up.

I click my phone off before it dinged.

Hen: oh right, did he say anything to you? Other than ripping at Dylan?

Me: I don't know, I didn't check yet.

I read all my messages from him but they were only about killing Dylan and not believing I actually like him. I roll my eyes and text him back.

Me: well I like him anyways and you can't stop me. It's my decision not yours

Yogi: I get that but it's not the best decision. Did Hay hay fill you in?

Me: yes but she doesn't know if he changed so I'll be the judge of that.

Yogi: whateva don't say I didn't tell you so

Me: I won't

Yogi: fine have fun with that

I text Henry back before shutting my phone off and looking at the tv to see it turned off before I stand up and walk back into my room, carrying the blanket with me and changing before Hayley comes back over. You dummy.


I fist my hair as I paced back and forth, sighing as I plop down on the river bank and resting my elbows on my knees. What's wrong with you man?


Thanks Pablo, I so needed that right now.

No problem dude.

Shut the h*ll up Pablo!

Fine, whateva

I shake my head as I remember his arm around nugget's shoulder, my nugget. My sweet and beautiful, caring and kind hearted nugget. My sweet and innocent nugget, with his slimey arm around her. I shake my head as I remember his smug expression because he knows that he won her, like she's some object but she's far from that! She's a beautiful human being who deserves so much more than that dude. Before he came over she was so happy and acting drunk which was hilarious and I wish I could play that over and over again because she seemed like a more laid back version of herself even though she's already laid back.

I shake my head as I chuckle and look at the rocks running along the river bank, pulling out my phone to see the pictures we took together, a smile spreading across my face. Dang, she's got me messed up. I shake my head I my face falls, and he's got his hooks in her already. And I thought we were going somewhere.

What are you doing?! You don't do attachments! You do a one night stand when you want! You get what you want! You don't settle down!

You're right Pablo I do, but I don't know if I should anymore.

Yep. Definitely whipped.

Piss off Pablo!

I roll my eyes before pouting, seeing a text pop up from Kimberly. I look up at the sky before shaking my head.

"I'm gonna regret this." I shake my head before standing up and hopping into my truck and zooming into town and stopping at a huge mansion like house. I shove my phone in my pocket before walking up to the door and ringing the door bell. I wait before I see the door open to reveal Kimberly with a smirk.

"I knew you'd come back." She grabs a fistful of my shirt before pulling me up the set of stairs and into her room, closing the door and locking it.

I stare up at the ceiling as I hear Kimberly panting, her bare chest rising and falling rapidly as the sheet barely covers her glistening body. I know I shouldn't have done that, I really regret it but throughout the whole thing I just imagined it wasn't Kimberly so I could actually do it. I'm a terrible person but I don't care, this is what I do and who I am. I know it's not right but it's the only way to deal with all of this crap that's going on.

"Let's go again." Kimberly says breathlessly as she rolls into her side, her messed up hair looking like a lions mane.

"I think that's enough for one day. I should go." I sit up to pull my clothes on just as Kimberly does, covering her body with her sheets.

"Just one more time, come on babe." I hear a pout in her voice as I shake my head.

"I'm not your babe or baby so don't call me that. I need to go, if I want to stay on the football team I have to keep my grades up so I have to do homework." I pull on my boxers and jeans, buttoning my pants as I stand up.

"Your loss." Kimberly says as I pull my shirt on and put my socks and shoes on before heading out the door, fixing my hair. I walk down stairs and out the door before getting into my truck and staring it up and driving off. I rub my forehead before speeding up just as I see the one and only Dylan Roberts making out with some brunette by a tree. I growl before pulling over to the side of the road and storming over to him and picking him up by the collar of his shirt.

"You dumb b**tard! You're making out with some random girl and you like Paisley?!" I grip his neck and squeeze hard.

"Wait, you like someone else?! Put him down so I can kill him!" The girl yells as I look at her like she's crazy.

"No I think I'm good, maybe you should go somewhere else." I suggest as she narrows her eyes before shrugging and walking away.

"Let me go you dumb f*ck." Dylan wheezes as I tighten my grip around his neck.

"You stop talking to Paisley or I will kill you. You cannot treat Paisley like that because she is the purest and sweetest soul you will ever meet and if you continue to do what you're doing you'll be dead before you can even start going out with her. Hear me? Do you hear me?" I shout in his face as he tries to pry my hands away making me drop him. Dylan began coughing and holding his neck.

"Jack a*s." Dylan wheezes as I kick his side.

"F*ck up one more time and you'll be dead." I growl before storming off and hopping into my truck and speeding off. I shake my head as I grip the steering wheel, soon pulling into my drive way to see a white truck was behind me. Dylan. I step out and slam my car door just as he does the same and comes running at me. I growl before waiting for him and flipping him over my shoulder, hearing a loud thud. I feel his hand around my ankle before he pulls back making me fall to the ground. I spin around and kick his nose, hearing a satisfying crunch and grabbing his hair and pulling him up to his feet. I reeled my arm back and punched his face several times before he brought his knee up and kneed me in the gut, making me double over before he brought my face down to his knee as blood poured out of my nose.

"Okay I've had enough of you bull sh*t!" I shout as I sweep his legs and start punching him while holding him down. All I saw was red in my vision and my fists flying before feeling pain shoot up from my jaw. I glare at him as I see his arm reeling back and uppercut me again and flipping us over to where he was able to hit me. He punched my face, busting my lip and my eye, pains hitting across my cheek. I growled before kicking him off of me and holding his head up before punching him square in the face as blood poured over his face. I kicked his side as hard as I could before he rolled away and held his hand up and spitting out blood.

"Okay okay, I give man." Dylan coughs before struggling to get up.

"Get off of my property and don't screw this up again, I swear if you do and I find out I will kill you." I growl before walking into my house and slamming the door and going to my room. This dude is gonna die!

I don't know a thing about fighting so please don't judge!

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