Chapter 40:oh

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It's been about three weeks since that one Saturday Yogi was over and that thing happened. I shake my head as I slip into my white blouse with the black lace at the top and cold shoulder and pulled on my denim ripped jeans.

I slip on my back pack and shove my phone in my back pocket and slip into my black and cream colored flats with the bows on the top of the shoe before heading outside but stopping in my tracks when I see Yogi leaning against his truck with his arm...

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I slip on my back pack and shove my phone in my back pocket and slip into my black and cream colored flats with the bows on the top of the shoe before heading outside but stopping in my tracks when I see Yogi leaning against his truck with his arms crossed.

"If I didn't know any better

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"If I didn't know any better...I think you were trying to avoid me." I press my lips together before waving the thought away.

"Pshhh, whhhaaaaatttt? No." I roll my eyes as I scratch behind my ear and walk towards his truck.

"Mhmm, okay get in." I roll my eyes as I climb in before he drives towards school. I stare out the window as I tap my cheek with my finger and tap my foot.

"Okay this is awkward why don't you just speak to me? Stop acting so awkward around me, we're best friends and for the past three weeks it's been extremely awkward with you. It's been short, quick answers with you and I don't know what's going on. Talk to me shorty." I sigh as I shake my head.

"I don't know anymore Yogi. I just-I don't know, I don't want to talk about it." I stare outside as Yogi pulls into the schools parking lot and parking before turning the truck off.

"Okay then we won't talk about it. Just stop acting so awkward around me and open up a bit." I sigh before looking at him and smiling.

"Okay, let's go." I say as I slide out of the truck and walk towards the school as Yogi walks up beside me and places his arm on my shoulder before we walk in. I go to my locker and open it, grabbing everything I needed before shoving them in my backpack and closing my locker to see Kimberly right up in my grill, making me step back to where my back hit my locker.

"Personal space please." I say as I push her away and roll my eyes.

"Why do you gotta be up on my man all the time? He's not yours!" Kimberly throws her hands up in the air as I stare at her like she's dumb.

"What? Who? Who is 'your man'? I don't see him! Is he invisible because he's too embarrassed to be seen with you? I would be too." I raise an eyebrow as she glared at me before huffing and stomping away.

"Did you just stick up for me?" Yogi asks as he smiles, placing both his hands on each side of me, trapping me against the lockers.

"N-no I didn't. I was mocking her, ya know because that's what I do when she spits lies like that." I say as Yogi smiles at me before pushing himself away from me and shaking his head.

"Thanks but I can handle myself you know." He boops my nose before I flinch away, my head hitting my locker as I scrunch my nose up before pushing myself off of my locker.

"What was that all about?" Hayley asks as I shake my head and shrug.

"I have no idea myself. Let's go." I shake my head as Hayley links her arm with mine before dragging me down the hallway and into our classroom.

I sigh as I close my locker door, leaning against my locker as Hayley appears from the bathroom and drags me into the lunch room. We walk through the lunch line before sitting down at our table. I begin eating my food as Henry walks in by himself and sits down before sighing and clasping his hands together as he looks at me sadly.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I raise my eyebrows before he looks down.

"Whatever you do, don't walk out of here and go to the secluded corner in the east hall." I knit my eyebrows together as Henry looks at me before I stand up and walk out of the lunch room. I walk towards the secluded corner of the east hall and stop dead in my tracks when I saw what Henry was talking about. I nod my head as I see Yogi making out with Kimberly, practically groping her against the lockers before she looks at me when they pull away and raises her eyebrows with amusement in her eyes. Yogi looks behind him as the color drains from his face as I press my lips together and nod.

" that's what Henry meant." I say before looking down and turning on my heel, feeling like the walls in this god forsaken school was closing in on me and everything became blurry. My chest heaved as I squeezed my eyes shut before opening them and rubbing my forehead, feeling a pang of hurt in my chest before running down the hall.

"Paisley wait!" I hear Yogi's voice before I shake my head, the corners of my eyes stinging before I ran outside and hid behind the school, pressing my back against the brick wall as I bent over with my hands in my knees. I gulped in air as I tried to get my breathing under control before shrinking into a dark corner. I cover my mouth when Yogi comes bursting through the doors.

"Paisley! Pumpkin! Shorty! Munch? Nugget?!" I shake my head as I feel hot tears stream down my cheeks, "I can see you." I see him look at me before sighing as he walks towards me but I shake my head and step back.

"Get away from me." I turn around and run in the opposite direction before I hear his footsteps running after me before I feel his huge hand wrap around my arm, "let go of me you sick b**tard!" I kick him before ripping my arm away from him and running away before he ran after me and picked me up.

"Listen to me! You weren't supposed to see that." I kick him one more time before shoving him away.

"Clearly." I say as I feel my throat tighten up.

"Are you-are you crying?" I shake my head before sighing, my bottom lip quivering.

"Good bye." I say as I turn around and walk away but Yogi grabs my wrist.

"Why are you crying? D-did I hurt you?" He asks as I yank my hand away.

"Leave me alone. Just leave me. Alone, Brayden." I say as my voice cracks before I turn around and walk away, wiping away the tears furiously before jogging into the school and into the cafeteria before grabbing Hayley's hand.

"I shouldn't have gone there, but it's kinda hard not to when you said 'don't'." I say to Henry as I drag her away and towards the bathroom. We enter and shut the door, locking it as I slide down the wall and cover my face.

"Oh honey, please don't cry." Hayley says as she kneels down and hugs me as I sob into my hands.

"Why does it hurt so much?" I ask as I hiccup before Hayley rubs my arms.

"Because you like him, a whole lot." I shake my head as I lean against her.

"I don't feel so well." I say before crawling into a stall and closing it before I heaved into the toilet, the hot tears pouring down my cheeks before I sit back and gulp in deep breaths.

"Okay I'm taking you home." I stand up and wipe my mouth before flushing the toilet and walking out and washing my hands before Hayley wraps her arm around my shoulders and takes me to my locker before going to the front office where she signed me out and drive me home.

It's the 40th chapter I had to throw some awkwardness and drama into this sooner or later! Enjoy reading! Also don't hate me!

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