Chapter 35:Did I tell you...

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We pull into a parking lot far away from the seating area as I lifted my head to see many weeping willows surrounding a pond with beautiful flowers all around the seating area and in the trees and in the aisle. I smile as I look at the white seats lined up perfectly and the plants with flowers in them at the beginning of both sides of the aisle. I unbuckle as Yogi turns his truck off and open my door before Yogi clears his throat, making me look at him.

"You open that door anymore and I will not talk to you the whole night, I'm opening it for you." Yogi says as he points at me.

"I'm perfectly capable of opening my door." I say as he reaches over and shuts it again.

"I know but it's called being a gentleman." He smiles at me before getting out and closing his door before walking around to my side and opening my door and offering me his hand. I sigh and roll my eyes before taking his hand and stepping down as he closed the door behind me and slipped my hand in the crook of elbow.

"Thanks for bringing me along by the way, Yogi. I'm glad you did." I say as I look up at him while smiling.

"It's my pleasure miss Brookstone. I'm glad you came." I smile as I look around.

"Where are we sitting?" I ask as Yogi smiles and guides me to our seats.

"Second row because I'm like family to him." I nod as Yogi let's me go in first before we sat in the first two seats as Tony smiled when he spotted Yogi.

"Brayden, my man." Yogi smiles as he stands up and does a bro hug with Tony who is dressed in a gray suit with a white tie and white rose.

"How's it going Tony? You nervous?" Yogi asks as Tony shakes his head with a wide smile.

"No man, I'm excited! It's the best day of my life!" I smile as he notices me as I stand up.

"Hey Tony." I smile as he gives me a huge smile and gives me a hug.

"Paisley, the best friend." Tony winks at me as I giggle and nod.

"Yep that's me." I smile as he laughs.

"I'm so glad you came today. I have to go greet other people I'll see you guys later." Tony says before he starts walking away.

"Okay good luck." We chorus before he smiles and waves at us before leaving.

"Tony seems like the sweetest person ever." I say as Yogi smiles and nods his head.

"He is. He's the best, besides Henry he's like a brother to me. He's always been there and gives great advice." I smile as I watch him make his way around.

"I bet." I say as I look across from me at the pond with the reflection of the weeping willows with flowers in them, smiling at its beauty.

"What's going through that head of yours munch?" Yogi asks as I smile before looking at him.

"Nothing really, I'm just admiring how beautiful everything is. It's peaceful and calming." I look out at the pond and smile.

"Yeah." I hear Yogi whisper as I look at him before knitting my brows together.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I smile as he shrugs.

"What way?" Yogi raises an eyebrow as I roll my eyes.

"No way, you weren't looking at me in any particular way." I say as I shake my head, making him smile. Soon everyone files in and sits in their seats as someone plays the piano before everyone stood up and looked behind them as the bride and her father walked down the aisle. I smiled as I saw her in her simple wedding dress which contrasted against her tan skin and brown wavy curly hair and chocolate brown eyes.

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