Chapter 30:why

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I rub my eyes as I splash water on my face and put moisturizer on before brushing my teeth and putting on mascara. I put lip balm on before walking into my room and slipping into my peach colored dress with the anchors on it before grabbing my black flats with the leaf thing on it before twirling in front of my mirror.

I slip on my backpack and grab my phone as I make my way towards my front door before walking out and closing the door behind me before looking around

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I slip on my backpack and grab my phone as I make my way towards my front door before walking out and closing the door behind me before looking around. I sit down on my porch swing and wait for whoever is picking me up before pulling out my phone to text people. I scroll through my pictures as I smile, looking at funny pictures of all four of us as someone clears their throat making me jump.

"Ready?" I look up to see Yogi smiling down at me as I glare at him.

"Give me warning before you scare me." I say as I stand up and follow him to his truck.

"Then I wouldn't be able to scare you." Yogi chuckles as we climb in his truck, closing the doors as he starts his truck and pulls out of my driveway and speeds off.

"Yeah yeah...whatever." I roll my eyes as Yogi grins as me before shaking his head.

"Can we talk about yesterday?" Yogi asks as I groan and roll my eyes.

"Why?" I whine as I lean my head back against the seat.

"I'm sorry." I roll my eyes as I narrow my eyes.

"Stop talking about it and stop apologizing! It's okay I do not care." I say as I throw my hands up in the air.

"No I feel terrible." I hold my hand up and stop him.

"Yogi, do what you want. I don't control your life or your decisions or you in general! I don't care what you do as long as you don't hurt or kill yourself. Just let it go and don't feel bad for it." I say as I soften a little, looking at Yogi as he pulls into the schools parking lot.

"Okay if you say so." I roll my eyes before Yogi parks and turns the truck off. I unbuckle and open the door, sliding out and closing it behind me as I walk towards the school and walking in. I walk to my locker as Yogi follows me before leaning against the locker next to mine.

"I can't wait till tomorrow night! I'm so excited! It's my first game I'm cheering at! And to make it better I'll be cheering for you!" I bounce up and down as I smile and look at Yogi as a smile spreads across his face.

"I can't wait to hear your voice cheering me on above everyone else's when I score the winning touchdown." I roll my eyes as I close my locker door and cross my arms.

"Cocky much?" I raise my eyebrows as Yogi rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"Nah, I'll lead my team to victory." Yogi says as he smiles making me roll my eyes again and leaning against my locker.

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