Chapter 64:nuh uh

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    "Close your eyes." Yogi whispers as he takes my hand and leads me out of the restaurant.

"Okay." I breathe as I close my eyes and smile, letting Yogi guide me towards somewhere that I don't know about.

" your eyes." He whispers as I slowly open my eyes and gasp when I see a carriage with two black horses attached to the front with flowers in their manes and around the carriage.

"Nuh way." I smile as Yogi kisses my cheek and leads me towards the carriage and helping me up inside before sitting next to me and lacing our fingers together, "this is amazing. It's beautiful thank you, Yogi." I smile at him as a smile spreads across his face before the man upfront gets the horses to move.

"I wanted to make it a special night." Yogi says softly as I smile up at him.

"Anything with you is special to me, Yogi." I look between his eyes as he smiles and kisses me softly. I look around as the carriage takes us around a park with street lights lit up and lights hanging from trees; lighting up the cobblestone path that went along the edge of the park. I smile as I rest my head on Yogi's shoulder and look down at our entwined fingers as he rubs his thumb on the back of my hand sending pleasurable goosebumps down my body.

"This is definitely a night to remember." I whisper as I feel Yogi smile against the top of my head before kissing my head.

"When this is over we can go to your house and just relax and watch movies and fall asleep in each other's arms. That's a way to end a night." Yogi whispers making me smile before taking a deep breath and inhaling his scent and letting it go before momentarily closing my eyes.

Yogi turns his car off before sighing and smiling at me and opening his door and stepping out of the car. I smile as I unbuckle, hearing him close his door and walk over to my side and open my door before holding his hand out for me. I smile up at him before taking his hand and stepping out of the car and closing the door behind me as I followed Yogi up my front porch and to the front door. We walk in to see that the entire house is completely silent and pitch black; you couldn't even see what was in front of you even if you squinted!

"I'll turn on a light." I say before taking my shoes off so I wouldn't end up breaking an ankle and killing myself and walk towards the couch and turn in the light on the side table, "much better." I smile as I walk over to the bench in the hallway and set my shoes on top of it and begin to take my hair down.

"Here let me do it." Yogi says as he walks up behind me and takes the bobby pins out and slowly takes my hair down; my head titling back as I close my eyes and smile. Every girl knows how good it feels to take her hair down after a while. Yogi sets the bobby pins down and kisses my cheek then my jaw and my neck very slowly before taking a breath and letting it out, sending goosebumps along my skin. He trails his lips down to my shoulder and runs his hands down my arms before running his hands down my thighs and running his right hand back up and into my hair as his lips kissed my neck softly. I can feel my breathing grow heavier and heavier by the second as he kisses the spot right under my ear; my body going limp at his touch.

Yogi kisses my neck again before nibbling on my ear, his breath fanning my cheek.

"Go into the bathroom and take a shower so you can relax. I'll be waiting." Yogi whispers before he kisses my neck one more time before letting me go and pushes me gently towards the bathroom. I look over my shoulder at him and smile before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind me as I leaned against it and sighed with a smile.

I quickly strip and turn on the shower before stepping in and taking a shower as quick as I can. I rinse off before turning the water off and patting myself dry and stepping out of the shower. After drying my feet off so I wouldn't slip and break my neck; I lather my vanilla and cherry blossom scented lotion all over myself before drying my hair more and wrapping the towel around my body. I sigh as I open the door and make my way into my room to see Yogi laying on his stomach with his shirt and shoes off, leaving him only in his pants.

"Don't look until I'm done." I say as I grab my black lace undergarments and slip them on under the towel before walking into my closet to put pajamas on. I grab my white crop top that says "Netflix" on it and my matching shorts and slide them on and dropping my towel before walking out and smiling.

I walk over to my bed and climb on, sitting on top of Yogi while straddling him before I ran my nails down his bare back

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I walk over to my bed and climb on, sitting on top of Yogi while straddling him before I ran my nails down his bare back.

"That feels good." Yogi says softly with a smile playing on the corner of his lips.

"That's because I actually have nails." I smile as I run the pads of my fingers up and down his back and making patterns on his skin.

"Next weekend you, me, Henry, and Hayley are going on a double date. We're going to grab dinner at Olive Garden and then go to our spot." I furrow my eyebrows as I stop, making him whine and look back.

"Our spot? As in our spot? Mine and yours?" I raise my eyebrows as he nods with a shy grin.

"Yes exactly. Henry and I are setting it all up and it's going to be so much fun. Henry and I will pick you girls up and take you to dinner then to the spot. Don't worry about your outfit I'll pick it out and bring it after school on Wednesday. Please don't feel bad because I want do this. Plus Henry is doing it for Hayley too." I sigh before leaning forward and kissing his cheek.

"Okay I won't." I smile as he rolls into his back and places his hands on my thighs before smiling at me.

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