Not Just an Affair

685 15 12

Trigger Warning: Abusive relationship

"Sam! Sam!" Charlotte wandered around her backyard and wove her way through the people. Sam had thought that it was a brilliant idea to host a party that included every single one of his friends from college. Charlotte has been opposed to the idea at first, but he complained that he hadn't seen any of them in years. After some debate, she'd finally given in.

She'd cooked all the food, prepared all the drinks, and she set all the decorations up. Sam hadn't helped, but she didn't mind. She was just glad she could do something to make him happy.

Now she was trying to find him, for one of his friends who was extremely drunk had fallen over and knocked over a fragile vase that she'd gotten from her grandmother. She was angry, but partially at herself for even leaving it out at a party where people were bound to get drunk.

Finally she found him talking to some of his friends from the police station. One of them was making weird siren noises throughout the conversation. Whatever it was about.

"Sam, honey, can I talk to you?"

"What do you want?"

"Can I please just talk to you?"

"Fine." He turned to one of his friends and whispered something to them before following her back into the house.

She shut them in their bedroom, which was most likely the only room in the house that wasn't already occupied with people.

"Honey, one of your friends broke my vase."

"So what? It was probably just a stupid vase."

"Sam, this party probably wasn't a good idea. Your friends are destroying things, and I'm not sure that you should get as drunk as them."

The look in Sam's eyes made Charlotte want to run and hide, but she stood there, frozen.

"Who are you to say that I can't have the party I want? All you do is hang around and do nothing. You're useless. Good for absolutely nothing."

"But Sam, I—"

There was a burning pain on her cheek. Charlotte reached up to touch her face and winced.

Sam had slapped her.

"Don't be annoying for the rest of the night, ok? And stop crying, it's not a good look on you." He turned and stormed out of the room, back to his insanely drunk friend's.

Charlotte stood still, her hand held over where Sam had slapped her. Tears were starting to form in her eyes.

He'd slapped her.

He'd actually slapped her.

She collapsed on the floor, dazed from what had just happened. Tears streamed down her face.

You love Sam, she thought, and Sam is supposed to love you back.. right? Isn't the way it's supposed to be, when you're married?

She was a wreck. She had to get out of here. She couldn't let any of Sam's friends find her, or she'd be in bigger trouble.

She knew who to call. She wasn't sure if he would even answer, but she had to try.

Her hands shook so bad that it took what felt like ages to type his number into the phone. Finally she held it up to her ear as she heard it ring. He picked up.


"Ted! Oh thank god you answered!"

"Charlotte? What's wrong, where are you? Wait.. are you crying?"

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