Happiness Will Come With California

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"Bye Ethan."

"Bye Lex, love you." She kissed him on the cheek. "Love you too."

"Say hi to Hannah for me. Give her this." He held out a Hershey's bar.

"You spoil her. But I'll give it to her. She'll need it, after having to spend the whole day with our mom." Lex got out of Ethan's car, slamming the door shut. She started towards the trailer where they lived. She could hear Ethan's car pulling out of the driveway.

She walked inside, the familiar smell of alcohol and smoke entering her nose. She looked around and dropped her backpack on the floor.

"Hannah? I'm home." She glanced around the messy trailer. There was no sight of Hannah or her mom.

Hannah had had a cold earlier that morning, and it had been decided that she wasn't well enough to go to school. This worried Lex, because their mom had never properly taken care of them their whole lives. Did she even pay attention to Hannah while Lex was at school?

Suddenly she heard a small sniffling sound coming from the bathroom. She walked over to find Hannah sitting in the dry bathtub, hugging her knees to her chest and crying. Lex rushed to her side.

"Hannah? What happened? Where's mom?"

Hannah looked up at her. "Mom went drinking. Drinking bad."

Lex pushed a stand of hair out of Hannah's face. "Did she yell at you again?"

Hannah nodded, more tears streaming down her face.

Lex felt a flash of anger. She wanted to strangle the woman they called their mother.

Lex day down next to Hannah in the tub. She slowly rubbed circles with her hand on Hannah's back.

"How do you feel?"

"Badder. Way badder."

"You still don't feel good? Do you want me to get you a water?"


Lex stood up and left the bathroom. She opened their fridge and took out a plastic water bottle. She used this opportunity away from Hannah to kick the nearest thing in sight.

That just so happened to be the fridge. Go figure.

She noticed the Hershey's bar from Ethan that she'd set on the counter. She picked it up and took it to Hannah along with the water bottle.

"Hey, look what Ethan got you."

Hannah reaches out and took the candy bar and water with shaky hands.

"Ethan.. was here?"

"He was! He told me to tell you hi and to give you this."

"Where is he?"

Lex sighed. "Probably at home. He'll be back later though, I promise." She spoke softly. "Now why don't you go lay down and get some rest, ok?"

Hannah nodded and without a word stood up. She quietly walked over to the small bedroom she and Lex shared. She shut the door behind her.

Lex left the bathroom and leaned against the wall in exhaustion. She could feel the tears welling up behind her eyes. She blinked furiously, trying to keep them at bay.

They had to leave this behind. All of it. But saving up to leave was already taking ages, and California felt like it was years away.

She took her cheap flip phone out of her pocket and texted Ethan.

Lex: Hey, can you come over?

Ethan: Is everything ok with Hannah?

Lex: After you left, I found out that my mom left her here all alone to go to the bar. I'm pissed.

Ethan: I'll be over right away.

Lex didn't deserve him.

She waited on the couch until Ethan finally arrived. He came in, his brows furrowed in worry.

"Where's Hannah?"

"In our room. I'm pretty sure she fell asleep."

"Are you alright?"

She couldn't lie to him. She knew it.

"No! I can't believe my mom went and fucking left her here all alone! Not only that, but she yelled at Hannah again."

Ethan sat down next to her on the couch and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"It's terrible. Your mom should have never done that, especially when Hannah's sick."

Lex shook her head. "I'm a failure of a sister. I should've stayed home. I should've known this would happen. If I stayed home, I could've protected her from this."

"Lex, it is not your fault. You didn't know this would happen, you could only hope for the best."

Lex leaned on Ethan's shoulder. He ran his hands through her hair.

"Thanks Ethan. I needed that."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They sat in silence for a while, Ethan still playing with Lex's hair.

"Do you think your mom's going to be back tonight?"

She sat up. "Probably not. Why?"

"Would you like it if I stayed over for the night? To keep you and Hannah company?"

"That would be amazing, Ethan."

"Great." He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her slowly on the lips. The kiss was slow and passionate, though it only lasted for a few seconds. Ethan pulled away.

"I'll get you and Hannah to California, Lex. Then you won't have to cry so much no more."

"Are you sure that's something you can promise?" Lex whispered.

Ethan smiled sadly.

"With all my heart."

A/N: Wow, I love Ethan Green.
Sad that he couldn't fulfill that promise.
Ok I'll stop now.
Sorry this one was so short, I didn't have that much inspiration. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this one shot!

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