Like a Son to Me

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Ok, this oneshot has a lot of time skips.
Just letting you know.
Also, I never knew before that Cynthia's last name was Houston. Maybe I knew and just forgot, but I realize that there are quite a bit of Houston's in the Starkid/TCB shows.
There's Cynthia. Tom. Tim. Jeez, are there more?
Note: Since this is a story from Cynthia's PoV, and is mostly centered around her and Curt, there's obviously going to be a lot more cussing then I usually put in oneshots.


Cynthia flipped through the stack of papers on her desk, a cigarette in her other hand. She was supposed to be meeting a new recruit for the A.S.S, and she'd heard his performance was satisfactory. She'd have to see for herself.

She heard a light knock on the door.

"Come in." The door opened and a boy about the age of 25 walked through. He had dark brown hair that had way too much hair gel, and an arrogant smirk on his face.

"Is this Cynthia Houston's office?"

"Read the sign on the door, dipshit."

The boy frowned and glanced back at the door, losing his arrogant facade. Cynthia wanted to laugh out loud at how this boy already radiated dumbass energy.

"Oh." He sat down at the chair across from Cynthia's desk. "I'm Curt Mega, and I'm the new recruit for A.S.S."

"Mega, huh? Now that's a fucking name."

"A lot of people think it's not my real name. That I made it up. But no, it's real." He leaned back in the chair and propped his feet up on her desk.

"Move your fucking feet or you'll be out of here before I can say "fuck you.'"

Curt put his feet down immediately. She could tell he was intimidated. If he was intimidated by her, then he'd need more training for the A.S.S. There were a lot of worse people than her that he would most likely get involved with.

"Anyways, what's my first mission?" He asked.

She laughed bitterly. "Wow, you think you're going to be a fucking field agent right off the bat? In your motherfucking dreams."

Curt stared at her. "What am I going to do then?"

"You're going to be working here. Training. Viewing what the field agents are doing. And if we see that you're training goes well, then we'll put you out on the field."

"Then I should be on missions in no time."

This kid was arrogant as fuck.

But she didn't mind it. She'd always worked with spies who thought too highly of themselves.

She often got too attached to those spies.

But not this time.

Not this time.

"We'll fucking see about that, Mega. Welcome to the A.S.S."


"I told you Cynthia, I don't need a partner."

"Fuck that. You need a partner more than anyone in this fucking facility. Remember the last mission you were on alone?"

"It wasn't that bad!"

If Cynthia had to take a shot every time Curt said that, she would be passed out drunk.

"Not that bad? You fucked up, Mega. You failed to apprehend the suspect and they got away, blowing up the place while they were at it. You got burned so fucking bad."

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