Dead Mom

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Ok so this one needs a bit of explaining.
In this one shot, Hatchetfield wasn't nuked (at least I think it's a nuke that was at the end of the musical. That's the most logical explanation other than the meteor.) Also this is a few years after the events of Black Friday and Tim is 12 years old in this one shot.

(And yes, the title is a Beetlejuice reference.)

"And Tim Houston, today you will be picked up by Becky Barnes." Tim's teacher continued reading the bus notes as he put his head down on his desk.

His dad had been dating a woman named Becky Barnes for the past few years. She wasn't bad. She was nice enough. It's just that he hated that she constantly tried to replace his mom. Tim wished she would stop trying. It would never happen.

After school he walked outside to find Becky waiting for him in her car. He climbed into the passenger seat.

"How was school?"

"It was ok."

"Can you maybe give me more details?"

Tim sighed. This was going to be a long night.

"Hey, um, your dad and I have something we want to talk to you about later."

Becky had moved in with them about a month ago. Tim hoped that his dad finally ended their relationship. Maybe that's what the talk was about.



He took a book out of his backpack and read for the rest of the car ride. Becky tried to make conversation a couple of times, but her attempts failed.

Finally they got home, and Tim dropped his backpack at the entrance.

"Tom, we're home!" Becky shouted.

It was exactly the way his mom used to say it when she picked him up from school.

He pushed the thought out of his mind as he walked into the living room.

His dad was a teacher at Hatchetfield High, and they had had a half day today. His dad stood up from the couch.

"Hey Tim. How was school?"

Why did adults always ask that?


"Did Becky tell you that we needed to talk?"

"Yeah. What do we need to talk about?" Tim asked. His dad and Becky sat down next to each other on the couch, while Tim sat in the chair by the window.

"Well, Becky and I have been dating for a while." His dad started.

Tim frowned. "Ok, I know that."

"Do you remember that small vacation Becky and I went on?" His dad asked. Tim nodded.

"I thought it was finally time I asked her to marry me, and.."

Becky beamed. "I said yes!" She held out her hand, which held a ring on her ring finger.

He stared down at the ring in horror. It glinted in the light, and it looked pretty expensive.

How had he not noticed it before? Becky hardly ever wore jewelry other than earrings. It should have been easy for him to pick up on.

Tim knew it had been years since his mother died. But how was his dad able to move on already? And with another woman?

"You.. you didn't think to tell me about this before you proposed?" He looked at his dad pointedly.

"Tim, I wanted it to be a surprise—"

"Well it's not a welcome one." He stood up.

"Tim, we just thought that.." Becky started. He cut her off. "Stop trying to act like my mom, ok? Because you'll never even come close to her."

He stomped out of the living room and to his own room, blinded by his fury. He leaned against the door and brought his knees up to his chest.

Why did things have to change? He thought miserably. Why did she have to die?

He sat there for the rest of the night, refusing to come out when his dad called him for dinner.

The dreaded feeling up loneliness crept up on him. No one would truly understand the pain he went through. Especially not his dad. He seemed to be moved on already. As if moving on was supposed to be easy.

He felt that lonely feeling everyday at school. Every time he saw his friends laughing and getting picked up by the moms. Every time he saw them happy, he couldn't help but feel hollow. Empty. Like he could never feel that type of joy again. Not without his mom.

Around eight, he heard a light knock on the door. He stood up and opened it to find Becky standing there, her bright red hair pulled up into a loose ponytail.

"Hey Tim. I know I'm the last person you probably want to see right now, but I was wondering if we could talk?"

Tim's exhaustion took over him. "Yeah, sure." They sat down side by side on his bed.

"About what you said out there.. you're right. I will never come close to being your mother. Nobody could ever fill that hole. But it hurts me to know that you might never accept me as a part of your family. I want to help you Tim, I really do. I just don't know how." Becky said truthfully. Tim looked down. Had he really been that hard on her?

"It's been so hard," he whispered, "when mom died, I felt like nobody was there for me. After a while, dad even became distant. He always hired a babysitter for me, and it felt like he stopped caring. Then came Black Friday. I didn't want one of those dolls, in fact, nobody I knew did. When I heard he went through all of that for me.. I felt bad.

"Then he met you. I don't know much about what happened in the mall."

Becky looked down, her face turning scarlet.

"But when he brought you home one day I was.. angry. Angry that he could move past mom so quickly. But now.." He sighed. "I don't know."

"Tim, I never knew your mom well." Becky started. "But I know that she would've wanted you to keep living. Do you think she would've wanted you to be wallowing over her death for the rest of your life?"

"No," Tim choked. Great. He was about to start crying in front of Becky.


"I love your father, Tim. I can't deny that. And he only wants the best for you. So do I. That's just something to think about."

Tim blinked, trying to keep the tears at bay. "Thank you."

"Come here,Tim." He leaned into her embrace, and they sat there for a while, still and silent.

Soon he drifted off and fell asleep, feeling like a little kid again.

Ok, not going to lie this one sucks but I wrote it out of boredom.

Anyways, hope you're enjoying these one shots!

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