We Will Live To See Tomorrow

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Thank you to Disneygirl40, who requested a one shot about how Tom and Becky got infected during "The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals," and I hope I delivered!


"Dad! Dad, come look at this!" Tim came running into the kitchen from the living room. Tom set down the frying pan and cast an annoyed glance down at his eleven year old son. "What is it? Can't you see I'm trying to cook?"

"I know I know, but you have to come see this!" He tugged on Tom's sleeve as he tried to drag him to the living room. But alas, Tim was only eleven while Tom was a fully grown adult. He didn't budge. "Alright, fine." He followed Tim into the living room, where he'd left the news on. An image of a falling, blazing meteor flashed on the screen. The weather reporter stepped into the frame.

"Scientific sources claim that this very meteor has entered the Earth's atmosphere, and we are trying to track it right now. Some think it's heading straight for Hatchetfield, but hey, why not Clivesdale instead?" The reporter laughed a bit too cheerfully for Tom's liking. "Back to you, Dan."

Tim looked up at him with wide eyes. "Could it really land here?" His voice quivered with astonishment.Tom shook his head. "Tim, meteors are no laughing matter. If it were to land here, it could be very dangerous. Do you get that?"

The boy frowned, his brows furrowing. "Yes, I get that. People could die, depending on where it landed... right?"

"Yes Tim, they could."

He shivered, and glanced back at the tv. What if it landed somewhere near them? What would they do then? Tim already lost his mother. The last thing he wanted was to lose his father too, much less his own life.

Tom rested a hand on Tim's shoulder. "But the meteor probably won't even land here! Like the reporter said, better Clivesdale than us, right?"

"But Grace lives in Clivesdale."

"That's not the point, it'll probably miss all of us, alright? Now I have to get back to cooking before that bacon burns. And start getting ready for school, we leave in about an hour."

He returned to the kitchen, while Tim continued to stare at the tv in horror.


Thunder clapped outside and Bridget wailed once more. Becky grabbed her teddy bear, which she had dropped just a few moments before. "Shh, shh, it's going to be alright." She cooed, pressing the teddy bear into her hands. Bridget hugged the teddy bear tightly.

While Bridget had lost her eyesight, she hadn't lost her ability to hear. Which meant she could still clearly hear the howling storm outside. Fortunately, she couldn't see the constant flashes of lightning. So that was one plus. Not that there were many good things about this situation.

A loud stomping noise came from the hallway and stopped at her door. "Becky Barnes, did you see the news?!" Shouted her boss over the thunderous noise. "When would I have had time to watch the fucking news?" She gestured wildly to Bridget, who cried out in fear.

"There's a meteor headed for Hatchetfield! Some say that it's going to land near the Starlight Theater!" Becky stood up quickly in alarm, almost nocking over the rickety bedside table. "The theater.. that's close to here."

"You think?" Her boss snapped. "We're evacuating patients. We have to get this little girl out." Becky glanced between Bridget and her boss, frozen, as if every ounce of common sense in her body had just up and left. "It's not safe for the choppers though."

"Yeah no shit, that's why we're taking as many ambulances as we can get. Patients that aren't in critical condition can be taken in cars. We have an ambulance outside waiting for Bridget, so get her ready to go. We'll roll her out here in about five minutes." She turned on her heels and ran out, leaving Becky standing stunned, starring a at the empty doorframe.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2020 ⏰

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