
449 8 13

Am I sorry I wrote this oneshot?
Not really.
But did I get really upset writing it?

"Grace, thank you so much for agreeing to watch Tim."

Grace smiled at Jane and Tom, who were standing in their doorway, all dressed up for a night out.

"It's no problem, Mr. and Mrs. Houston. Besides, I enjoy hanging out with Tim. He's a good kid." Speaking of Tim, he came running around the corner, one of his toy trucks still in his hand.

"Do you have to go?" He asked. Jane laughed. "Don't worry sweetie. We'll be back in a few hours. You have fun with Grace, ok?"

Tim looked back up at Grace and shrugged. "Ok. Bye Momma!" He hugged her tightly. She kissed the top of his head. "Go to bed when Grace tells you to, ok?"

"Alright." Tim then moved to Tom. "Love you Dad." He hugged him. "Love you too, Tim. Be good!"

"I will!" Tim groaned.

"He usually is. We'll have fun, don't worry. Right Tim?" Grace asked, giving the 7 year old an amused look.


"Ok, well we'd better go. We made a reservation for 7. We'll be back around 10." Jane finally said, holding Tom's hand.

Grace nodded. "Ok, have a good time out on your date."

"We will!" Jane shouted back as they left. Grace waved as she watched their car pull out of the driveway and into the night.


"Ugh, I'm full." Jane leaned back against the passenger seat.

They'd had dinner at a local restaurant, and now they were driving home. Tom squeezed her hand lightly. "It was good food though, wasn't it?"

"It was. The dessert was amazing."

"Definitely. I thought it was better than the actual dinner. Hey, what do you think Grace and Tim are doing right now?"

Jane checked the time. 9:45.

"Tim's probably sleeping, and Grace is most likely on her phone, which seems to be what most teenagers do these days when they're bored."

Tom looked at her. "Think. Someday Tim will be a teenager."

"Don't make me think about that. We'll be old then."

"Well we're not now—"

"Tom, the road!"

He looked up.



It all happened too quickly for his mind to process. The car seemed to be spinning.

Then flipping.

It stopped. The car was now upside down.

There was a ringing in his ears. Tom glanced around groggily.

"Jane.." He croaked. The car was flipped upside down, glass covering him and the figure next to him.

There was a stinging pain on his head and on his side.

He looked towards the passenger seat to find Jane hanging upside down by her seatbelt, her eyes closed. Her mouth hung slightly open.

He couldn't see the rise and fall of her chest. From his position, she seemed still. Frozen in time.

She couldn't be dead.

Could she?

He reached towards her hand weakly.

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