Behind the Wheel

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Tim is 15 years old in this oneshot.
Thought I'd maybe point that out.

"I'm worried about him. He's scared to even be in the front seat on normal days. What's he going to do today when he drives?" 

Tom and Becky sat on the couch together, and they were planning on taking Tim to the empty school parking lot to teach him how to drive for the first time. Tom worried about whether or not Tim would even want to learn.

"It's going to be fine, Tom. Besides, what kid doesn't want to learn how to drive?"

"Becky, he never has wanted to learn. He hates riding in cars. He doesn't show it now, but he did when he was younger. I always hoped he would grow out of it. Instead, he learned to hide it."

She sighed. "Why don't we call him out here and just tell him we're going to teach him how to drive. See what his reaction is."

"Ok, ok. Ok. That's a good idea. Tim!" He shouted. They could hear Tim's light footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Yeah Dad?"

"Becky and I wanted to take you to the school to teach you to drive."

Tim's answer was welcome, but not expected. "Sure. I'll take my phone back to my room and then we can go." He went back upstairs, and Tom glanced at Becky, eyebrows raised.

"That was.. surprising."

"Yeah. But it's good! Right?" Becky asked, still slightly concerned.

"I think it is."

Tim came back downstairs. "Ready."

In about 15 minutes, they were sitting in the car at the school parking lot. Tim sat at the wheel, holding it in a death grip.

"Ok, so you need to shift gears to 'drive.' Then lightly push down on the pedal because it's a little sensitive." Tom directed.

"A-alright." Tim's face was pale, but neither Tom or Becky noticed. He put the car into drive and stepped on the pedal, jerking them forward. Becky, who was unbuckled and sat in the backseat, almost hit her head on the back of the passenger seat.

"It's ok, buddy, you're nervous, so you pressed too hard."

"Mhm." He nodded quickly, and in impulse, jerked the car forward again. This time, Becky actually hit her head.

"Tim, honey, you have to be careful." She winced and gave something Tom called 'the look.'

He threw his hands down in defeat. "I can't do this! How am I supposed to be able to drive when you couldn't even drive well enough to keep mom alive!"

Becky was shocked into silence, while Tom stared at Tim for a moment. Tim's face showed that he realized he had said the wrong thing.

"I-I'm sorry, Dad, really-"

"We're going home. Get out of the drivers seat." Without protest, Tim got out and got into the backseat, and Becky sat shotgun.

They drove home in silence, the hostility between Tim and Tom hanging in the air. Becky didn't dare say a word about it until they got home, when Tim was shut in his room.

"He was mad, he didn't actually mean it."

"I know, but it still hurt all the same." Tom rubbed his temples stressfully.

"You two need to come to some sort of closure. Does he know how much guilt you felt?"

"No, maybe, I don't know. I would like to think he knew, but then again, he was young. He still is young."

Becky rubbed circles on his back, knowing that would give him comfort. "He's still young, sure, but he's not a little kid anymore. You have to be honest with him, or else you'll never get anywhere. Do you want your relationship with him to always be like this?"

"No, you're right. I have to talk to him."

She kissed him on the cheek before standing up. "And while you're at it, I'm going to start dinner." She disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Tom alone with his thoughts.

He couldn't put it off any longer. He walked up the stairs and to Tim's room, where a bright yellow 'keep out' sign hung loosely.

He knocked on the door anxiously.

"Go away."

"Tim, can we please just talk?"

"Fine." The door opened to reveal Tim, who's face was red from crying.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure." Tim stepped aside, letting him in. The room was a mess. Clothes were strewn across the room, and the blankets that were supposed to be on his bed lay in a heap on the floor. He sat down on the bed, and Tim stood across from him, arms folded.

"We need to talk."

"I know that. What do you want to talk about?"

"When your mother died, I felt like the biggest failure in the world. I felt like more than that. I couldn't get that single thought out of my head: that I killed her. For years that guilt welled up inside of me, so much that I forgot I had a kid to take care of."

"Why are you telling me this?" Tim whispered.

"Because I wanted to tell you the truth. When I went to the mall on that Black Friday, I was prepared to risk everything for you. To prove that I'm not a lousy father."

"You're not a lousy dad. You never were. I'm so sorry about what I said earlier, I can't believe.." He blinked furiously, and Tom could tell he was trying not to cry. He held out his arms.

"Come here."

Tim folded into his embrace, and Tom held him as tightly as possible.

"Do you want to try and drive again tomorrow?"

Tim nodded and gave him a small smile.

"Yeah. I think I want to. I'll make mom proud."

"That you will."

This oneshot kind of sucks, it was rushed and I didn't read over it.

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