Chapter : 1 Hogwarts Express

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Author's Note:   This is my first time writing a fanfiction. Hope you enjoy reading it. Leave a comment. And vote! Thank you!!!


          Glad to be back on the Hogwarts Express, I seated myself in the last compartment and started reading a book I had brought with myself. I was not really an outgoing person. I liked keeping myself to myself because I was not sure how people would take it if they found out that a death eater was in Gryffindor. That's right, I am a death eater. And I couldn't help it.

          I was all caught up in my thoughts when a few fellow Gryffindors entered the compartment. 'Do you mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is full', Neville Longbottom, closely followed by Harry Potter (the boy who lived) asked. I nodded to them not sure what to say. I had been seeing them for 6 years now but I never really knew what to say to them. Neville was really the only person I talked to occasionally, but this year I had to make them my friends. I had to get close to Potter and his friends Weasley and Granger, if I were to be of use to You Know Who.

          We death eaters never dared to say his name. It was supposed to be disrespectful, but I really didn't get it. I know this may sound weird, but I was made a death eater from the day I was born by Lord Voldemort himself. Bellatrix Lestrange and a few others were not very fond of me for that reason. I never really wondered about what would happen to me, but now that Voldemort was back, I had to get down to business. I knew what I had to do, I knew what I was, and I could do nothing about it except wait...

          My thoughts were brought back to reality when something jumped onto my lap! When I looked down, I saw that it was a toad, to be more specific, Neville's toad which he could never seem to get control of. 'Sorry Ava. He slipped out of my hands when I tried to get him into his box.' 'Its alright', I said just when two more people entered. Luna Lovegood and Ginny Weasley came in and flopped on the seats after shoving their trunks onto the shelf above.

'Hermione and Ron are in the prefect's cabin. I don't think they will be able to join us anytime soon. I still can't believe they made Ron prefect!' Exclaimed Ginny. But she stopped once she saw the look on Harry's face. That was when I noticed, I don't think even Harry was very fond of the fact that Ron was made prefect, considering that Harry had gone through a lot more than either of them. But maybe it was because of that that he wasn't made prefect. But I did hear a rumour that he would be made Quidditch captain of the Gryffindor team.

          Soon all of them started talking and sharing news of all that happened during the holidays while I just sat in my corner and pretended to read. Luna and Neville were kind enough to let me join in their conversations and I obliged whenever they asked me any questions or my opinion on what I thought of the Ministry of Magic. Apparently all of them were against the Ministry as well as the Prophet. I mean who could blame them, both wanted the people to believe in all sorts of rubbish. So I could give them my honest opinion on those topics.

          Soon Ron and Hermione appeared looking exhausted from checking all the compartments. They had just come in when Harry and Ginny were requested to be seen by Professor Slughorn. So they excused themselves out. Hermione and Ron made themselves comfortable and conversation erupted again. When they started talking about death eaters, I felt so uncomfortable in my seat that I got up, mumbling about wanting some air, and got out.

          I wondered where Ginny and Harry had got to, so I decided to find out. On the way, I came across a blonde haired boy along with his two cronies, Crabbe and Goyle. Draco Malfoy, Prince of Slytherin, or so he's called, had been made a death eater this year. He was forced to do so by his father, Lucius Malfoy. He did not know that I knew, of course, because he didn't know that I was one of them.

          The three of them were blocking my way and while I was wondering how to get past them, Draco saw me, 'Well, well, well....if it isn't Ava Greene. Do you want to pass us? Or are you just going to stand there like a blinking idiot!'

          So, a little backstory about us, we have not got along well since the start of time. I mean, that wouldn't be a surprise at all considering that he does not get along with any person of the other houses. But it was thanks to me that poor little Draco Malfoy got the nickname of "ferret" from the whole school. That's right, I was the one who set Mad-Eye Moody on him. Since he found out, he was more than eager to humiliate me. Unfortunately for him, he never got to me, I always brushed off his comments and walked on, which infuriated him even more. And I took pleasure doing just that.

'Move Malfoy!'

'Oh look, her highness has finally asked us to move. Not. A. Chance. You think you can get away with everything can you! Well think again', spat Malfoy, with his oh-so-famous-and-familiar smirk.

'Oh, I would like you to think again, if you know what is good for you. Now move', I said while pointing my wand right under his chin. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Crabbe and Goyle pull out their own wands and point it at me. In a flick, I had their wands in my hand. Did I mention I was top in all of my classes after Hermione Granger? No one could beat that girl. She never stopped reading!

          In a trice, the three of them stepped out of my way, Draco muttering under his breath while shooting daggers at me. I dropped their wands at their feet and walked away.

          I found Harry, Ginny, Zachariah (a Slytherin), and a few others who I did not know all sitting in a compartment together, having a few drinks and snacks. I stood listening to their conversation a little and learnt that Professor Slughorn was making a club called the "Slug Club" and wanted all of them to be a part of it. Seeing that there was no problem in that, I made my way back since it was almost time for the train to reach Hogwarts.


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