Chapter : 4 Not so bad After all

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Author's Note: This chapter is a little short, so I have uploaded the next chapter too to make up for it. Hope you enjoy!

          I was given an ointment, as expected, to rub on my arm by Madam Pomfrey. Uncle Sev helped me that day, since I was a little stiff. And the next morning when nobody was looking, I applied a little more. Madam was in her office and the only other person in the wing was a sick third year who looked as if he was stung by something nasty.

          Draco didn't show up that day, I didn't expect him to. Harry, Ginny and Hermione had come by during lunch and in the evening to make sure how I was doing. Harry was most pissed, 'That nasty git did it on purpose. I just know it. I wanted to bring you here myself, but Professor Slughorn told Malfoy to do it. Just wait till I get my hands on him.'

'Relax Harry. Nobody could do it on purpose. No. Not even Malfoy', remarked Hermione when she saw the look on Harry's face. 'Besides, even if he was trying to injure Ava, wouldn't he make sure that she was in front of the cauldron and not himself. Really Harry, you are letting yourself run away with your imaginations.'

'But I am telling you, he is up to something. And I will find out.'

'Oh let it go Harry, when you find something out we will listen to you. Just for now let it go', Ginny complained. I loved hearing them all argue together, don't call me mean, its just that I was glad that I was a part in whatever it was that they were doing.

           Ron came by later along with Harry and dropped off some treats from his brother's shop called the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. We tried out a few of them until Madam Pomfrey kicked them both out.

          I gave up hope on seeing Malfoy. Why would he want to bother with a person like me? And for some reasons I thought it was better that it stayed that way. Whenever we were together, I felt things that I couldn't explain and I couldn't help but feel deep down, "what if....."

----------|Draco's POV|----------

          She's been in the hospital for two days and I haven't gone to see her. Its not that I didn't want to, she always had company, the filthy mudbloods of Gryffindor. But I wanted to see her, there were some questions I needed to ask her. But how? How could I just ask her? Why should I be so sure that she would even answer them when I had been nothing but mean to her all these years? It was because of me that she had ended up there in the first place. I should have the courtesy to show up.

          Courtesy!!! Damn Draco! What is going on with you? You never think like this! She is your enemy. But is she? If she has the dark mark, aren't we really on the same side? The damn Dark Mark! That stupid thing is confusing me! I really need to see her. Or my brain would burst from over-exertion.

That's it! I've decided. I'll go tonight. I don't care if she may be sleeping, all I know is I have to see her!


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