Chapter : 30 Hogwarts Again

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Author's Note: Hey guys, this is just a chapter to ease the tension between chapters. I have just described what happens in Hogwarts under Snape's Headmastership! Hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to comment and vote!!

'Hey Greene, are you ready?' Draco called from below the stairs.

'I'm coming! Hold on!' I quickly look for my scarf and grabbed it from my dresser, wrapping it around my neck as I headed downstairs. The trunks had already been sent back. We were going to Floo ourselves into Uncle Sev's office at Hogwarts. I sometimes still couldn't believe it, Uncle Sev was Headmaster!

'Come on Ava, we have to be there before the feast starts', I grabbed a fistful of floo powder and threw it into the fireplace, and in an instant, I was in the office, it was empty as Uncle Sev had told us that he would be present in the Great Hall. I took a brush off the hook beside the mantelpiece and dusted myself. Draco also landed and we both made our way through the halls.

The first years were being brought in by Professor McGonagall in two lines. Draco and I parted ways and went to sit at our respective tables. I found Dean, Neville and Ginny sitting together and seated myself beside them.

'Hey Ava', greeted Neville, 'Had nice holidays?'

'It wasn't that bad', I replied. The first years were sorted into houses and then Professor Snape stood in the place where Dumbledore used to stand, and made a short speech. He introduced the new curfew which was set and meant to be followed by all students below the sixth year. The seventh as well as the sixth years had only an hour extra. He said that all pranks, back-talk, or unnecessary wanderings around the corridors would not be tolerated and would be strictly punished.

He went on to introduce the Carrow siblings, Amycus and Alecto Carrow, as the disciplinarian teachers, who would not be lenient in their duties, and the new and only prefects of Hogwarts that year, Draco and myself. I was a little surprised to hear that, I never thought that we would be the only prefects of Hogwarts. There was no sound in the hall, clearly no one wanted Professor Snape as their Headmaster.

He sat down and immediately a fine spread of food appeared before us. While stuffing our mouths with food, we exchanged news on what had happened, they were mainly interested in what I had done after the whole incident.

'Fancy being a prefect Ava, I know it is because you are a death eater, but still', said Neville.

'Harry, Hermione and Ron have gone off somewhere. I don't know where. Do you know, there were death eaters at Bill and Fleur's wedding', said Ginny. Bill was Ginny's and Ron's brother. I had been invited to their wedding, but I had humbly declined as I wasn't allowed to go out of Malfoy Manor, especially not to the wedding of a family that all pure-bloods termed as "blood traitors".

'I didn't know about that. Was anyone hurt?'

'Thankfully, only a few were stunned. Kingsley Shacklebolt had warned us just in time, so most of our guests had already apparated out of the tent. That was when the three of them made their escape. I can't believe that they just ran off without telling any of us what their plans were.'

'They probably have a very good reason', I said to calm her down a bit. Ginny looked like she would stab the already dead chicken with her fork.

'Well, good reason or not, we have to make sure that these people don't torture us', remarked Neville, 'You'll be with us, won't you Ava?'

'Of course I will. No matter what they say, I will not let them misuse their power over us. But please, all of you must make sure you don't get into too much trouble. We can't afford that. We have to wait for Harry or some news of him, and then act.'

'We'll let you know if we hear anything from them. In the meantime, here', Ginny dropped a galleon into my hand.

'And why may I ask are you giving me money', I asked curiously.

'Its not what you think it is. This coin is enchanted, by Hermione. It was with the help of these that she let us know the timings for the secret meetings we held to practice defending ourselves. You keep this, and keep checking it. If we find out anything, we'll let you know through this coin.'

'Wow, okay. This is pretty impressive. Hermione really out-did herself on this'.

'I know, she is amazing', awed Dean.

We finished dinner and I got up as I had to guide the Gryffindor first years to their common room while Draco managed the Slytherins. Amycus and Alecto handled the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs. Well, so far so good, there were no screams or crying to be heard from anywhere.

After I had guided the first years safely into their common room, I walked through the corridors to get myself to the prefect's quarters. I had always wanted to be a prefect, though this was not the way I imagined it to be. I looked out into the sky and noticed black hooded figures gliding around the school, dementors! I couldn't believe my eyes, how could Uncle Sev allow this? This was outrageous! Maybe he didn't have any other option but agree to it, he did say he was to be a pawn to Lord Voldemort.

Feeling extremely pissed off, I walked into the lounge of the prefect's quarters, where Draco was sitting on a couch reading a book.

'You will not believe what I just found out!' I burst.

'That there are dementors circling the school? I know', he said nonchalantly while flicking through the pages.

'I mean, what does he want to accomplish? That he can make Hogwarts a prison like Azkaban? Or is it to prevent kids from roaming around the corridors at night? Dumbledore never allowed dementors to enter the school grounds, he couldn't stand them.'

'Now you know that's not true', he reasoned.

'Okay, one time, when there was a notorious criminal on the loose. He had to take them in because he was forced by the Ministry. He wouldn't have if he could help it.'

Draco walked up to me and cupped my face in his hands, 'Greene, I am saying this because I care, CALM DOWN!!! Let it go, there is nothing you can do about it. You-Know-Who wants full control of this place, and as long as no one is hurt, its fine by me. Now go get some sleep.'

I stormed into my bedroom, muttering under my breath. My trunk was already on the bed. I changed into my nightclothes, still grumbling, and no sooner had I flopped onto the bed than I was soon asleep.


I hadn't taken many subjects this year, since I wasn't exactly planning on doing my seventh year. I was just here on orders from the Dark Lord. I would have been rushing to job interviews right now, if I weren't at Hogwarts. So, since I was taking only a few subjects, I had a lot of free time, but during those hours I had to supervise the other classes, though I didn't understand why. Practically, I just had to sit in other classes, listening to the same stuff that was taught to me when I was younger.

I dared not sit in Professor McGonagall's class, and I noticed neither did the Carrows. I enjoyed sitting in Professor Firenze's class, Astronymy, I could just lay on the grass floor of the classroom and just stare at the stars. Another class I sat in was Professor Flitwick's Charms class. I even helped Professor Sprout in her Herbology classes. I made sure that her students did not get into drastic messes with the exotic plants. The rest of my time, I spent in the library.

Draco and I rarely crossed each other in the corridors, as I mostly hung out with Dean and Ginny in the Gryffindor common room when they were free. We both would be in the prefect's quarters after curfew, just sitting in front of the fire, talking about all we did during that day, mainly the same boring stuff, and how we wished we could do something more.

Overall, life at Hogwarts had become very odd. The Carrows were very brutal with the students. Alecto hit Neville square on the face when he said something that he did not like during class. Neville had a bruise on his face for a week. You could see frequent outbursts between Professor McGonagall and the Carrows in the corridors, the end results always being the same, Professor McGonagall won whatever argument they were having. It was a cheery sight to see the Carrows being put in their place.

Other than that, I wished school would just fly by.


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