Chapter : 3 Time Well Spent

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Author's Note: Hope you liked the story so far. Let me know in the comments!

          Classes went on as usual. All free periods were devoted to completing all the stacks of homework given by various teachers. Sometimes I left work for the weekend, but I tried to do as much as I could every day. Being a late sleeper, I usually hungout in the common room a little longer than everyone else, relaxing by the fireplace. 

          Tonight, I was in for a little treat. Harry was working late on his homework alone. From what I knew, Hermione and Ron had not been getting along well, I assumed it was because of the frequent snog sessions between Ron and Lavender. Harry looked miserable whenever he was stuck between the two of them. And Hermione was mad at Harry for some other reason, so he could not copy his homework from her either.

         I thought I would make most of the opportunity and went and sat next to him.

'Hey, do you want any help with your homework? Looks like you could use some.'

'I would like some, yeah, no matter how much I write I can't seem to finish this essay Snape set us.'

'Oh, that's actually pretty easy. Give it to me.'

          After many scratchings and corrections on parchment for an hour, we finally finished the essay and called it a day. Both of us slumped back into our chairs exhausted.

'Do you think you could help me with my homework everyday? I'd really appreciate it. I don't really get much done these days because of...... um.... stress...?' Harry stuttered. I knew he was just covering for his friends. I thought it sweet of him that he didn't rat them out for his problems.

'Sure, I will be glad to help. How about every night at nine? Then the common room would be almost empty.'

'Why? Don't you want anyone to know that you're tutoring me?' He asked with a little glint in his eyes.

'No! Of course not!' I said, I didn't want him to think that of me, 'I just prefer working with less noise around me. Besides, if anything I should be tutoring you in front of everybody if I wanted to make a big deal of the fact that I was helping THE Harry Potter.' I think I had a smug look on my face then, because he just burst out laughing.

'That's good then. So I don't have to worry about you taking advantage of me', he chuckled.

'No, you don't have to', how I wish this were entirely true! 'Well goodnight then.'

'Goodnight, and thank you again'.


          Harry and I soon became close friends as the study sessions progressed. I don't think Hermione quite liked it, but she couldn't blame anyone, so she was a good sport about it all. I got invited to join them for lunch and dinner frequently and we talked and laughed a lot.

          Potions was the only class that I wished was a little better. Draco and I got on each other's nerves too often, until one day, we had been fighting so much this time that I actually let him do all the work, while I did the dirty business of chopping stuff and handing it to him when he asked for it. He was standing in front of the cauldron pouring drops of spring water into it, when I glanced up, 'Draco! Watch out!' I pushed him away from the spot while barely escaping myself. He had been eyeing Harry's cauldron and did not concentrate on what he was doing himself.

          I fell on top of him, my forehead lying on his chest. When I realized that, I looked up and mumbled an apology and rolled to the side not wanting to get up. I groaned in pain as I did so. My left side was paining so much that I could not move. I think I knocked the wind out of Malfoy, because it was a few seconds later that he got up to his knees.

'Oh gosh Ava! Your hand! Its completely burnt!' Draco panicked. Then I heard another yell from Professor Slughorn, 'Merlin's Beard! Malfoy take her to the hospital wing immediately. This needs to be attended to at once. This is why we say to concentrate on making your own potions....' , but all the rest I missed when I felt someone scooping me up from my right side. I glanced at my left arm and saw it covered in blisters, blood oozing from a few. Some of the potion had even fallen on my leg, because it pained when I put too much pressure on it.

          We started walking, I looked to my right to see Draco holding me firmly. When I caught his eye, I was surprised to see that it carried a worried look. That was when I remembered I could not go to Madam Pomfrey; I had the dark mark on me! I could not afford anyone to see it!

'Draco, don't take me to Madam Pomfrey!'

'What are you talking about? You need to be looked after right away.'

'Take me to Professor Snape. He will know what to do.' Draco stopped right in his tracks, stopping me along with him. 'What! You want to go to Snape! Are you sure?'

'Trust me. I cannot go to the hospital wing. Please understand', I pleaded looking right into his shining grey eyes. He finally gave in, and led the way to Snape's office. Thankfully he was there.

'What happened?' Uncle Sev jumped from his seat, whipping up a broad bench with his wand in the middle of his office.

'Potions accident. It exploded.' Draco explained quickly.

'Shut the door', ordered Snape. He then took off my cloak and jacket, I winced and groaned with pain as he did so. He took his wand and said a few enchantments which drained the blood and then proceeded to rub an ointment delicately which he took from his shelf.  He cautiously turned my hand, for the first time, revealing my dark mark. I heard a small gasp and that was when I realized that Draco was still in the room.

          His eyes were wide as saucers, mouth a little open, obviously shocked at what he saw before him. He caught my eye and he tried to regain his composure but was not very successful. Snape then started tending to my leg. But he could not do much to it, so he told me for that I would have to go to the hospital wing.

'I don't think your arm will need too much care now, so you are safe, but if she gives you any ointment, take it and put it on when no one is looking. I think you will be able to manage by yourself.'

'I can help', Draco interrupted. For a few seconds Uncle Sev and I looked at each other. It was our secret way of communicating. He knew Leglimency so I just thought what I wanted to say and he would know. 'That is... if you... would be okay with that', he continued.

          I didn't know what prompted him to make the offer, but I could only assume that it was because of guilt or maybe the questions that were burning inside his head. 'Very well. But you must not tell anyone about what you have seen in this room. It is strictly confidential. Do you understand?' Trust Uncle Sev to say the right thing.

' problem....', he moved forward to help me up but Uncle Sev stopped him. 'I will take her to Madam Pomfrey, I have to say a few words to tell her about what treatment I've already given, or she'll cut my throat', he said more to me than Draco and gave me a slight wink. I couldn't help but giggle. 'So you may go back to class and go on with your day.'

          Draco looked at me, then Snape, nodded curtly and left. I kind of wished he would have stayed...wait...what was I thinking! I want Draco Malfoy, the boy responsible for me being in this state in the first stay? I jerked that thought out of mind immediately. Will he really come to help me? Nah, he just said that to get in Snape's good books. He always did that. But still....


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