Chapter : 33 Torture and Escape

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Author's Note: Just a few more chapters guys! Thank you to all who have made it this far, and have been supporting me constantly! Enjoy the rest of the story!!!

          Just as we were about to step into the hall we heard a terrible, long, drawn-out scream! We rushed in and saw Hermione on the floor, writhing in agony under the Crucio curse. Heart-wrenching screams escaped from her mouth, while Bellatrix was cackling. Anger and worry flooded through me,

'No! Stop!' I lunged forward, but I was held back. I turned to see Draco, using all his strength, to prevent me from going to her. 'Leave me Malfoy! Look what your aunt is doing to her! How can you stand and see that!' I shouted while tears of frustration flowed from my eyes.

'If you go she'll hurt you too.'

'I don't care! She's my friend!' Bellatrix then grabbed Hermione by her hair, lifted her up and shook her.

'Where did you get it from? Did u steal from my vault? Tell me mudblood, from where did you get the sword!'

'It is a fake.... please.... its a fake....' another agonizing scream. I shut my eyes from the sight, holding in a few whimpers, Draco still clutching me tightly from the back, not letting go. I thought I heard a muffled yell from somewhere downstairs, and that's when I looked around and noticed that Harry and Ron were not in the hall. Bellatrix let go of Hermione and she fell with a thump on the floor.

'We need to find out if she is telling the truth. Draco, go into the cellars and fetch the goblin. Quick!' Draco let go of me and made his way to a flight of stairs which led downwards from the hall. I went with him, but on the way I saw Harry's and Ron's wands lying on the table. I sneaked it into my pocket when no one was looking and followed Draco into the cellars, hoping to get a word in with Harry.

          Draco unlocked the cellar, and walked in, holding up his wand. Harry and Ron were tied up to each other. Draco grabbed the goblin by the arms and pulled him out, 'Come on Ava, let's go'.

'You go, I will be there in a moment.'

'Don't do anything stupid Greene, you'll get yourself in trouble', he snarled.

'Shut up and leave Malfoy', I yelled. He scowled at me and at the two tied up boys, then left with the Goblin at hand. I rushed to Harry and Ron and started untying their bonds, talking quickly.

'Listen, I don't have much time, as you can tell. Here are your wands. I am going to leave the cellar unlocked so you can get away from here. Run as soon as you can, and be careful not to get caught again.'

'We can't leave Hermione behind', said an adamant Ron. I looked at him with complete and utter disbelief.

'You'll have to come up into the hall for that which is risky. I will take care of Hermione, and make sure she gets back to you when its safe enough. You make sure you get away as fast as you can, don't loiter around.'

'Thanks Ava', said Harry, 'How can we ever repay you?'

'Don't worry, I'll find something you can do', and I made my way back up the stairs, leaving the cellar gate unlocked as I had promised.

          Bellatrix had a satisfied look on her face. 'Now we await the presence of the Dark Lord. He will be thrilled with what we have got for him. So thrilled that he would make me his most loyal follower, and not you Greene', she sneered. I ignored her as usual. Bellatrix was kicking Hermione around, shoving her like a ragdoll.

'Stop doing that! Haven't you had your fill for the day?' I fumed.

'Oh, is little Ava upset her mud blooded friend is being tortured by Aunty Bella?' She said in a sing-song, babyish, voice. 'Will it upset you more if I did this?' And she pointed her wand once more at Hermione, 'Crucio'. And she began to writhe and scream again. After that things happened quickly.

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