Chapter : 5 Sparks

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Author's Note: Here is the next chapter as promised! Leave a comment people!

          I was sitting up with my back resting on the headboard and my legs spread out in front of me. It was nearly bedtime, but I was reading a book that Hermione had brought for me to keep me entertained. But I was merely skimming through the writing, my mind kept wandering places. I didn't notice somebody walk through the doors and make his way towards me. I was brought back to reality only when I heard Madam Pomfrey's voice,

'What are you doing roaming around so late? Visiting hours are over.' I looked up to see Malfoy standing in front of my bed, ready to fight Madam Pomfrey.

'I just came over to see her. And I will not leave until I do', he said through gritted teeth. I couldn't help but feel amused. Here was the Draco Malfoy, late in the night, to see me.

'Well I cannot allow that. Rules are rules mister'.

'Why don't you ask her whether she wants to see me or not. It all depends on if the patient needs rest or not, isn't it?'

Yikes, talk about being put on-the-spot. Both turned questioning eyes on me. 'Honestly, I am not feeling very sleepy. And I wouldn't mind some company'.

          She let out an exasperated sigh, 'Well, do what you want, I am going to bed. Make sure you turn out the lights before you turn in. And you,' she said, pointing a daring finger at Malfoy, 'you better not keep her up late, I am already having trouble just to get her to stay in bed. Goodnight', and with that she left.

'Don't mind her', I said, when I saw Malfoy shooting daggers in her direction, 'she's just worried because I don't seem to sleep at night. I can't help it, can I, if I don't feel sleepy at all?'

          He made his way to the side of the bed and sat down beside me, close, if I may say so. He didn't look at me. All of a sudden his hands seemed very interesting. I didn't interrupt his thoughts, I thought I'd let him speak first.

'Ava, I'm really..... I'm..... sorry', he stuttered. I could tell it was hard for him. Draco never said sorry if he could help it. And the hardest part, he looked adorable while saying so.

'Draco Malfoy, are you really apologizing to me?' I couldn't help but smirk. I mean, no offense, but I have to admit, it was an achievement.

'Yes, and count that for everything I've done in the past. And don't you dare tell anyone I said that, or it will be the last thing you do', he spat.

'Ok fine, so what are you doing here at this time of night, anyway? Come all the way here just so you could say sorry?'

'No, I... um... wanted to talk to you', guessing from his looks, I knew he was going to ask the things I had dreaded wanting to answer. But I obliged, some part of me even wanted to tell him, if not everything, and least some of it. I took my wand and whispered Muffliato on Madam Pomfrey's office door, as well as on the bed at the end of the hall, just some normal precautions. There was no change in expression on his face when I had done that. Instead, he grabbed the bottle of ointment which was on the bedside table and started opening it.

'What are you doing?'

'I said I'd help you with your hand.'

'You don't have to.'

'Please.... just let me do it', he half-whispered. His eyes were piercing into me, that all I could do was give a slight nod. He moved closer to me, until our faces were just inches apart, his eyes never leaving mine, I could feel his warm breath on my skin. I didn't flinch, it was as if I had no control on my body anymore. He raised his hands and gently removed the shrug I had been wearing to cover the mark, his hands as soft as a cloud.

          He then broke his gaze, moved back and started applying the ointment as gently as he could. My wounds were practically healed except for a few patches here and there. For a moment he looked at me again and in that instant he accidentally pressed a little too hard on one of the delicate spots, that I flinched a little. He muttered a sorry and then continued. The momentary glimpse of shock on his face was one that I was sure I would never forget.

          When he reached my mark, he paused for a moment, and fingered the lines of the tip of the snake which wound around the skull (sending silent chills down my spine while doing so), as if debating whether or not he wanted to ask about it. I thought I'd put him out of his misery.

'I got it when I was a baby. I was kidnapped by Lord Voldemort from my parents and handed over to Uncle Sev to be taken care of.' I could see him flinch at the name of Lord Voldemort and a look of amusement cross his eyes when I called Severus Snape, Uncle Sev.

'But why, when you were so young? Normally a wizard has to be of-age to get the dark mark.'

'Well, maybe he wanted to claim me at an early age.' Draco made a move as to spread the medicine on my legs, but I stopped him. 'No. Madam Pomfrey already did my leg. I don't want to overdo it.' He nodded, got up, replaced the bottle, wiped his hands on a cloth nearby, and sat again, a little bit more closer than before, our bodies not even two feet apart.

I broke the silence, 'So, how are classes? Messed up any more potions?'

'I am a death eater too you know', I was a little taken aback by this sudden outburst but before I could reply, he unbuttoned the cuff of his left-hand sleeve and exposed the mark. I didn't know what to say,

'I know, I was there', I mumbled, a little worried of how he might react.

'What do you mean you were there?'

'I was there when you were marked by him. I didn't stay for long because, well, I am not exactly a favourite among other death eaters, especially your aunt Bellatrix, because I was marked at a very early stage, and the Dark Lord is kind of attached to me, I guess.' I wasn't wrong, I just sidetracked from the truth a little. I didn't want him to know the real reason why I was chosen. At least not yet.

         The gears in his brain were creaking I could tell. His eyes were locked with mine. I could take the intensity no longer, so I dropped my gaze to the dark mark on his hand. I noticed his mark was a little bit more darker or clearer than mine, maybe because it was more recent. I touched it, delicately, not wanting to activate it, waiting for Draco to say something.

I detected a slight movement and looked up to find Draco's face inches from mine.


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