Chapter : 6 What if

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----------|Draco's POV|----------

          She looked so beautiful, the light from the lamp fell on her, making her eyes sparkle. Before now, I never realized she had hazel eyes. Maybe it was because I was sitting so close to her. I sat more close to her than before because I could not control myself any further. I wanted to hold her. I felt like only she would understand what I was going through. But then, maybe she wouldn't.

          When she told me the story of how she got the dark mark, I realized that we were very similar. We both didn't have a choice to who we became. My father forced me and she barely knew what was going on. She broke her gaze from mine and fiddled with my mark.

          Her skin touching mine was like medicine to my soul. I could take it no longer. I decided to take the risk and leaned a little closer. Her eyes met mine, her beautiful eyes, which I wished I could look at every single day.

----------|Ava's POV|----------

          His eyes were glimmering in the lamplight, glimmering with tears, but his eyes reflected lust and longing. I felt my heart melt into his gaze. I touched the side of his face, making him melt into my hand. My breath was growing faster, my insides were churning so loud that I could swear that he could hear it.

          His hands found my waist and pulled me closer. He closed in, our lips locked. It was as if I'd gone to heaven and back. His kiss was delicate and gentle, like I was the most precious thing in the world to him. The taste of his lips against mine was the most sweetest I had ever tasted. He intensified it a bit, I didn't stop him, I couldn't stop him, I let myself be moved according to his liking.

         He slowed down, but didn't let go. He rested his forehead on mine, not opening his eyes, as though wanting to savour every moment. Even I didn't let go of him. Subconsiously my hand had reached his neck and pulled him closer to me.


'Call me Draco, please', his voice barely over a whisper.


He opened and looked at me with eyes which were as shiny as a moonstones. I pecked his lips one last time before he pulled back, whispering goodnight as he left.


          I got out of the hospital in the afternoon and since I had not gotten out of bed for the past three or four days, I decided that I would go for a walk. I needed to think about all that happened yesterday and analyse it properly.

          Not many students were on the grounds. Just a few here and there, some with books, some just hanging out. I made my way straight to my secret corner by the lake.

          It was very well hidden behind a clump of trees and hedges growing thickly around it. One could not enter easily to this spot. There was only one entrance through which we could enter without getting pricked like hell. I had stumbled across it once accidentally, when I was trying to hide from Malfoy himself, some time in the second year. The green patch of grass and the sparkling water was ever so soothing to watch. Though, when I tried to get to that place again, it was difficult, I came out with more bruises than when I went in. But a few more tries and I had made myself familiar with the hidden path.

          I came here very often. Some times at night, when I didn't feel like sleeping, I would sneak out carefully, casting an invisibility spell on myself (one of the advantages of having a professor as an uncle, you can learn advanced spell-casting at an early age).

          I followed my usual path and started my process of thinking. I kissed Draco Malfoy last night. Did it mean anything to him? Or was it just a spontaneous thing? He couldn't have feelings for me all of a sudden, could he? I mean we've done nothing but fight all these years, we hated each other's guts and we humiliated each other whenever we had the chance to. Maybe he just needed a friend. But still, why me?

          I heard footsteps approaching. I wasn't worried because my hideout was undetectable. Trust me, I have heard many interesting conversations from behind these trees and shrubs. But I don't think I was quite ready to hear the conversation that was about to go on.

'Let's see how far you can throw this pebble Malfoy', said a voice only too familiar as Blaise Zabini's. Off the group of Slytherins, I would say that Blaise was the nicest. He acknowledged me whenever we passed each other through the halls, and that was more than one could've expected. I heard a splosh.

'Nice one', remarked Blaise, and I could hear more splashes. 'So.... what happened last night?' he asked slyly.

'What do you mean', I heard Draco's voice for the first time since yesterday.

'Oh please, I know you went to the hospital wing to see Ava Greene. So, how is she? Still alive?' I could tell that he really wanted to burst Malfoy, but hey, I was not blaming him. I was just as curious as he was.

'Alive or not, I don't care. I went for a walk in the grounds to get some air. That's all.'

'Ok ok fine. There's no need to lose your pants over it.' Then for a few moments there was silence only broken by the frequent splashes of stones falling in water. 'Are you gonna ask her to the dance?'

'Am I what?'

'The dance? Winter formal? Which happens during Christmas? Ring any bells?'

'Oh...yeah....the dance. I haven't thought about it yet.'

'Well if you're worried about Pansy Parkinson, don't. I'll handle her. Who knows, I might even ask her to be my date..... but I really think you should ask her to the dance, you both look good together. If you ask me -'

'Well no one's asking you Zabini! So shut up!' Malfoy spat and he stormed away.

'Why do you keep lying to yourself Draco?' He muttered before following his friend.

I was left alone again...with only one thought bothering me now......



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