Chapter : 31 The Next One

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Author's Note: This is my favourite chapter so far guys!!! Hope you love it as much as I do!!! I will give no spoilers, but Draco is an absolute sweetheart in this!!! Enjoy!!!

<Few Months Later>

          It was late in the night, Draco and I had not slept. We were both playing a game of Wizard's Chess in the lounge. His Bishop threw my Knight from its horse, my Rooke then knocked down his Pawn, finally his Queen ended the game.

'Ha, I won again! You really suck at Wizard's Chess, you know that?' He gleefully rubs it into my face.

'I never try. I really only play just so I don't bore you with my company.'

'Oh, so it has nothing to do with the fact that I am so charming that I distract you', he asked with a wicked grin plastered across his face.

'Yeah, I am on my knees because of how good you look. Really Malfoy, can you be more thick!' He chuckled. We moved the board and the pieces away, or at least what was left of it, and sat down on the floor beside the hearth, leaning against the couch. He rested his head on my lap, and I ran my fingers through his white-gold hair. We both were gazing blankly at the slowly dying fire, when he sighed deeply,

'I wish Harry would hurry up', he mumbled softly.

'What!' I exclaimed, not believing what I had just heard.

'Nothing!' He said meekly.

'No, you said you wished that Harry would hurry up. Are you talking about defeating Voldemort?' He shushed me.

'Maybe. I just don't want to bear him anymore. I hope Potter has a good plan in mind and doesn't get himself killed instead.'

'Wow Malfoy, I never thought you'd be on Harry's side ever.'

'I'm not! I just... don't want... You-Know-Who to win. Who knows what might happen then?'

'Its okay to show a little compassion you know', I said and kissed his forehead.

'Yeah, but, none of us know where he is, or what he is doing. Its been months, and not a sign of Potter or the Weasley or the mudblood Granger'. I smacked his head sharply, 'Ow!'

'Don't call her that filthy name! You pure-bloods are so arrogant, aren't you? She is a better witch than all of you combined', I shouted.

'Okay, okay, I'm sorry', he said while holding up his hands to cover his face in defense, 'Force of habit. I won't repeat it again'.

'You better not, if you know what is good for you'.

'You are what's good for me. Don't try to tell me otherwise', I blushed when he said that.

'Anyway, I hope that wherever Harry is, he is safe. Death eaters are swarming everywhere searching for him. Posters have been put up everywhere claiming a reward of a thousand galleons to anyone who can provide Harry to the Dark Lord', I said.

'Well, no one has delivered Potter as of yet, that's a good sign right?'

'I believe so.' We both remained quiet for a while. 'Draco, can I ask you something?'

'Sure, anything.'

'When war comes, whose side will you fight with, Harry's or the Dark Lord's?' He seemed to think for a few minutes.

'I am going to fight by your side. I know that you will do what's right for everyone. I am worried though, for my mother, she is torn between doing the right thing and obeying my father. Sometimes I wish I could take her far away from here, away from all the things my father as well as the Dark Lord is making her do. She doesn't deserve it.'

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