Chapter : 23 The Dreaded Day

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          A week passed, with all the usual stuff going on. Study sessions with Hermione, Harry's secret sessions with the Headmaster, Draco's silent disappearances, it was just a normal week, at least normal enough.

          I was in my room, practicing a few spells, wondering about my fate, when Hermione barged in,

'Ava, I've got to tell you something', she looked a little panicked, so I shut the door behind her and seated her on my bed while trying to calm her down.

'Hermione, what is it?'

'Oh Ava, its Harry. He's gone somewhere with Dumbledore, leaving me and Ron in charge. We've called on Neville, Luna and Dean, and a few other members of the DA (Dumbledore's Army) to help us. We need your help too.'

'Wait, what do you mean Dumbledore is not here?' I asked, Draco may or may not have mentioned to me that sometime this week he would be calling the death eaters to go forth with his task. I didn't know exactly when he was planning to do it, but I needed to make sure it was not today, and fast.

'Both of them have gone to.... I'm sorry Ava, I can't tell you. Even the members of the Order of the Phoenix are here. They think something may happen in Dumbledore's absence, and we need to keep a lookout for whatever trouble it is that may come.' The truth of what she said slowly sank in,

'Okay Hermione, you need to listen to me carefully now', I said grabbing hold of both her shoulders to face me, 'I have a hunch that death eaters may enter the school tonight, don't ask me how, I can't tell. But, if I am right, you have to warn the Order about it. I will be fighting on both sides, but in the end I will have to go with them, I will not be safe here once it is time.'

'Time for what?' Asked Hermione curiously.

'Don't ask questions I can't answer, Hermione. But I need you to know something, I am one of them, that's all I can say now. There are eight, and I am one of them. I know you will understand in time, but for now, let's go down.' Hermione seemed to think for a while, then she said,

'I still don't understand what you mean, but there is one more thing I need to tell you. Ron, Harry and I won't be coming back to school next year, we.... um.... we have made some plans.... which...'

'Don't worry Hermione, I understand. If I didn't know better, I would say that was for the best. Now come on, we need to find the others and let them know.'

          We rushed down to the common room and saw the people Hermione had mentioned standing in a small group by the fire.

'What took you so long Hermione?' Complained Ron.

'Sorry, I had to call Ava', and she told them about what I had said, 'Now one more thing before we head out, Harry left us the remaining of his Felix Felicis, he's asked us each to take a sip', she handed it round and everyone took a sip of it. Finally it came to me, 'I'd rather not, you guys need all the luck available, I don't deserve it'.

'Nonsense Ava, you are choosing to fight with us, you more than deserve it', exclaimed Neville. But before I could object further, we heard crashes from beyond the portrait hole.

'Come on! Let's go!' Shouted Ginny and we all made our way out into the corridors. Death eaters had invaded the school and were fighting the members of the Order. Debris was everywhere, sparks were flying in all directions, Ginny, Neville and the others positioned themselves and aimed at the hooded death eaters.

          Even I shot a few hexes in their direction, but I was mainly concerned with finding Draco. I looked outside and saw a huge dark mark produced in the sky. Worried, I did the first thing that popped into my head, I rushed to Uncle Sev's office in the dungeons, woke him up and explained to him what was going on. We both started a search for Draco, going separate ways to cover more ground.

          I was searching along the corridor when I noticed something fly past a nearby window. I looked out and saw whoever it was land on top of the astronomy tower. I rushed all the way there, firing counter-spells, jumping over limp bodies lying on the ground, not turning back to see who it was, my main priority being to reach Draco and stop or stall him from his task.

          I ran up the stairs, out onto the balcony, to see Draco with his wand pointing at Dumbledore's chest.

'Ava! What are you doing here? Go back! Now!' But instead, I slowly moved forward, my eyes fixed on an unarmed Dumbledore, who was resting against the rampart wall. He also kept a steady gaze upon me.

'Ah, Miss Greene, we were just making conversation to pass the time, until your fellow death eaters could join us.'

'What do you mean? I am here to kill you!'

'But you haven't yet Draco. I am in no condition to fight you, yet all you have done is keep talking to me. If you wanted to do it, you would have, the moment you unarmed me.'

'Dumbledore, do you know?' I asked cautiously, my breathing becoming heavier with every passing second. 'Do you know about me?' In response all he did was nod, his eyes still fixed on me. 'Does he know? Have you told him?' He shook his head ruefully. 'Why not? Why haven't you told him about me?' Tears were starting to fill my eyes, but I blinked them back.

'I trust you to do the right thing Miss Greene', was all he said. Before I could ask him what he meant, we heard footsteps approaching. I quickly moved aside and four death eaters came onto the tower, the siblings Amycus and Alecto, the werewolf Fenrir Greyback and some other guy who I did not recognize, he was heavily built and had a brutal-looking face.

'Well done Draco', exclaimed Amycus, 'You have cornered Dumbledore, and he's defenseless. Well done!' I turned to look at Draco, he had turned pale. Dumbledore was greeting all of them as if they were old school friends. Greyback was most eager to get rid of Dumbledore, but Alecto restrained him.

'The Dark Lord wanted the boy to do it. Get back Fenrir!' Draco raised a trembling hand and pointed his wand at Dumbledore, but then someone pushed him aside. Uncle Sev took his place, his black cloak flying a little in the breeze that blew.

'Severus, please', Dumbledore was pleading with Uncle Sev, but a flash of green came out of his wand, and Dumbledore's limp body fell the height of the tower. I knew what was happening, but I couldn't believe what I saw. Dumbledore, the world's most amazing wizard, was dead. Killed, by my own Uncle Sev.

          Then things happened quickly, all the death eaters cheered and made their way back down the Astronomy Tower, someone grabbed my hand and pulled me along with them, I was stunned for a while, but once I saw everyone attacking each other again, I came back to my senses.


'Stupefy!' I shot spells at anyone who got in my way. Uncle Sev was pushing me along outside the huge doors, out onto the grounds, towards the wrought iron gates, I looked to my right and saw Draco, who was also running. A bright light shone in front and I saw that Hagrid's hut had been set on fire, and he was standing in front of it, furious at what Alecto had done, but the spells shot at him ricocheted and stunned Alecto himself.

          I kept running, not turning back, until I heard a yell, and saw Uncle Sev stop. Harry was facing him, firing spells in the most menacing way imaginable. I stopped in my tracks, but Uncle Sev urged me on,

'Run! Go to Malfoy Manor! I will meet you there!' And he walked towards Harry, deflecting his spells with a casual flick of his wand. Reluctantly, I broke into a run again, Draco and another death eater were way ahead of me, and no sooner had I reached the gates than they had apparated. I concentrated hard on where I had to go. Malfoy Manor, I had never been there, I hoped I would reach the right place. I felt the same constricted feeling I got whenever I apparated, and I landed on stone cold floor.


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