Chapter : 9 The Dance

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Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment!

          The day had finally come. You could see girls huddled in every corner, giggling and whispering among themselves. But nothing could ruin the day for me. I wanted to make the most of it. Hard to admit, but I was getting butterflies the entire time we were getting ready.

          We smuggled Luna into my room from the Ravenclaw tower. And right now I was busy trying to make Hermione's hair stay properly, while Ginny helped Luna with her make-up. Ginny wore a red velvet floor-length dress, Luna a cream with small pink flowers printed on it and Hermione a purple lace which lay just a little below the knee. After we finished getting ready, we decided to go down. I quickly looked at myself in the mirror, blushed thinking how Malfoy would react and followed them downstairs.

----------|Draco's POV|----------

          I was waiting at the bottom of the stairs as I had said I would, waiting for Ava to show up. Blaise was already with Pansy, flirting with her. My insides churned with disgust seeing them both together. But it was good riddance for me. Even Crabbe and Goyle were standing behind me with their dates, waiting patiently. I checked my watch, it was five minutes past. My nerves were starting to sink in.

          What nerves? I don't get nerves! I am Draco Malfoy, for Merlin's sake. And I certainly do not get nerves for a girl. She wasn't just any girl though. I felt like she understood me, at least a little. Like that time in Hogsmeade, Merlin knew how much I needed it. I had felt like I could have died on the spot, but with Ava's hands around me, clutching me tightly, I couldn't have been more safe.

          My thoughts were interrupted by an impatient grunt from Goyle. I glared at him, 'You know you don't have to wait for me. Go on both of you. Leave me alone.' Finally, they headed in the direction of the entrance to the hall. Crabbe stopped midway and nudged me on the shoulder. I glared at him, about to tick him off, when I saw him pointing to the top of the stairs.

          I turned around, and a more beautiful sight I had never seen. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She glided down the stairs, her dark blue dress falling perfectly on her body. I could swear that even if all the lights were out, I would still be able to see her. She reached my side, smiling sweetly. Her eyes bore into my soul. I figured I might have been looking like an idiot, so I regained my composure, cleared my throat and trying hard not to stutter, said in the most manly voice I could muster, 'You look....good.' See that wasn't so hard, 'Let's go'.

          From the corner of my eye, I caught her looking at me with amusement. That was when I noticed, without my knowledge, my hand had raised itself towards her. I looked at her, not knowing what to do. I tried to act like I meant to do it, though I don't think I succeeded much. She slipped her hand through mine, ignoring all the weird stares we received from a few and started walking. I don't know what it was, but I felt different with her arms in mine. I looked down at her face and felt curiously happy seeing her eyes shine.

----------|Ava's POV|----------

          The Great Hall was decorated so beautifully. There were lights dangling all round, which, if we looked more closely, we'd find out that they were pixies. The four long tables were arranged adjacent to each wall so that there was space in the middle to dance. Lively music was being played by a band called the Weird Sisters.

          As we passed, I noticed many were staring at us, but I didn't pay much attention to them. His hand was linked through mine, and he didn't push me away, so that was reassuring.

'I want a drink, don't you?' I asked seeing a table with glasses of firewhiskey. Without waiting for him to reply I dragged him with me and grabbed two glasses, handing one to him. I practically gulped down the first one and took another. I was nervous, I didn't know what we were supposed to do all night. I didn't exactly expect Malfoy and myself to be dancing the night away obviously. My eyes were dancing all around me, purposely avoiding his gaze, when I finished my second glass of firewhiskey. It definitely gave you the sensation of a dragon breathing in your stomach.

'Hey Ava. You look lovely. I saw you from across the hall and thought I'd come and say hi', said Dean. He had asked Parvati Patil when Draco denied permission.

'Dean, hi. You don't look so bad yourself'. I could feel the heat radiating from Draco. It was obvious that he didn't like being ignored because soon he interrupted us.

'Ava, I would like to dance, come', he said abruptly, and before I could mutter an apology to Dean, he pulled me as far as possible from him and got into position with me.

'What was that all about?'

'What was that all about? He was flirting with you. Exchanging compliments and what not', he said in a voice filled with disgust.

'Malfoy....are you jealous?'

'What! Of course not. Why would I be jealous? Tell me that.'

          All I could do was chuckle. I looked up at him and wondered what it was that was making me feel different. His eyes met mine and I felt his hands tighten on my waist, pulling me closer to him. I gently rested my head on his shoulder, taking in the minty smell that came off of him, feeling strangely, yet extremely safe.

          After a few moments, I felt like I needed some air. I mentioned this to Draco and we made our way out of the hall. As we walked out the great entrance, I noticed that we were not the only ones outside. Many were sneaking behind the bushes, while others were snogging behind statues. We walked all the way to the lake, not saying anything at all, the cold night air brushing my arms and face.


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