Chapter : 10 Alone Together

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----------|Draco's POV|----------

I couldn't take my eyes off her. We walked towards the lake, because she said she needed some air. I noticed she looked a little cold, so I took off my jacket and covered her. She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes which made my heart melt.

We could hear the music from the hall all the way from where we were standing. I looked around and I didn't see anyone else. Then I got an idea, an idea that would make her laugh.

'Hey, you wanna dance?' She looked confused. I grabbed her hands and we started dancing around.

----------|Ava's POV|----------

When he asked me if I wanted to dance, I thought he was joking. I mean, we could hear the music blasting from the school, but I never really pictured Draco as a guy who would want to dance in the open air. Before I could say anything, he pulled me in and we started dancing in the most ridiculous way I could ever imagine. We started twirling and hopping and skipping and I was pretty sure that if anyone saw us in that moment, they were sure to think us crazy. I kicked off my shoes and swayed along with him.

I couldn't stop laughing. He let me go, clutching his sides from laughter. Even I had to hold on to his arms to keep myself from falling on the ground as I had stitches in my side. I looked up at Draco and he hadn't stopped laughing either. He looked so happy that I couldn't believe he was ever mean to people. We slowly calmed down.

'You should laugh more often Draco. You have a great laugh.'

'Oh yeah? And what about my reputation that I've been trying so hard to maintain', he said mockingly.

'Oh, maybe Crabbe and Goyle can take over', that set off him again. 'I'm tired, shall we sit down?' I whipped out a picnic blanket with my wand and lay back to watch the few stars that pricked the sky here and there. He followed suit.

For a few moments there was no sound except for the silent breathing of Draco by my side and the lapping of water beneath us. His arm lay close to mine, almost brushing it. I looked sideways at him, to find his silver-grey eyes looking into mine.

'Ava....did about Katie Bell?'

'Yeah, she is in St. Mungo's Hospital, isn't she? Don't you worry about that now. They don't have a clue as to who gave that device to her. Harry is the only one who seems convinced its you. But as I said, don't worry about it.'

He looked at me for a few more seconds, then reached for my hand, interlocked our fingers and planted a soft kiss on the back of my hand which sent chills down my spine. We lay like that for I don't know how long, then we thought we'd head back.

Still holding hands, his jacket still wrapped around me, we walked through the huge doors of the school. There were not many students hanging around now. I peeked inside the Great Hall and it was almost empty. It made me wonder how long we were outside.

We were walking towards the stairs when suddenly, Draco dragged me along with him to a deserted corridor and pushed me against the wall, knocking the breath out of me. Without wasting a second he pressed his lips against mine, kissing me with passion. His hands travelled around my waist, pushing his body against me. He kissed me with more vigour, my hands found the back of his head and entangled itself in his hair, making him moan against my lips. Gasping for air, I looked up at him.

He rested his forehead against mine, looking directly into the depths of my soul. His lips found its way behind my ear and down my neck. He kissed me again, but this time more gently. He was trying to convey all he wanted to say through his kisses. He pulled me even closer.

But then we heard footsteps approaching. I quickly pushed him aside, only to see Professor McGonagall humming a tune and swaying by herself down the corridor. She barely noticed us, I think she may have had a little too much firewhiskey at the dance. After she walked past us, I walked over to Draco, planted a kiss on his cheek while whispering goodnight and hurried back to the dorms.

I didn't wait to check if the common room was empty or not. I rushed to my bedroom, quickly changed and lay down on my comfy bed, thinking about the activities of the night. I got goosebumps when I thought of the kiss and chuckled remembering how stupid we must have looked when we danced. I wished we could be like that everytime.

That was when that uncomfortable sensation crept in again. I could not do this. I could not keep this going if I wanted to protect him. I didn't want to hurt him, and all of this would lead only to that. If he found out the truth, he would never trust me, he would want nothing to do with me. And I didn't think I could bear that.


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