Chapter : 35 Beginning of War

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Author's Note: Hey guys, the next few chapters may be a little short, because I am writing about the war. I had to decide between too long chapters or short ones, and since I wanted it to last a little bit more longer, I went with short ones. Please bear with me. Thank you again for the support you give! I mean, really, thank you so much guys!!!

          I was walking towards the Room of Requirement, where the coins had instructed me to go. Actually, I had been going there very frequently. After the graffiti, they slowly found out that we were behind it, and it wasn't safe for us to be in the school anymore. So all the members of the DA and those who were with us that day took refuge in the Room of Requirement. I often stole some food  for them too, from the school kitchens.

         But this time, it was different. When I entered the room, I found everyone standing in a circle, and in the centre stood Neville with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

'Finally! Ava, look who's come! Did I not tell you that he would.' I darted my eyes across the room, and all I could see were excited faces, but mine did not hold the same enthusiasm. All I kept thinking was whether or not they had figured out about me, if not, I had to tell them, and Draco, and fast.

'Look Neville, we really can't stay and chat. We need to get going', said Harry.

'Yeah, sure Harry, so what's the plan? What do we have to do?' Asked Neville. I noticed the trio exchange worried looks.

'Well.... there is something the three of us have to do. After that we'll have to get out of here.'

'What do you mean? Harry, all of us can help with whatever it is you are doing. We've been waiting all year for you. If it is something to do with fighting You Know Who, count us in', said Neville. There was a lot of argument after that, Harry obviously did not want all of them to know about the horcruxes, and all Neville and the others wanted to do was help in fighting the Dark Lord.

          Then, after the trio discussed privately about the matter, Harry finally agreed to allow them to help. He asked them if they knew anything about Rovena Ravenclaw's possessions, something which symbolized her. And Luna admitted that there was a Diadem of Ravenclaw, but she said that nobody had come across it for years. He said that he wanted to see it, so Luna suggested the portrait of Ravenclaw in their common room. Harry made quick plans to go with her, instructing the rest of them to stay where they were.

          After Harry left with Luna, I searched for Ron and Hermione, but I couldn't find them anywhere.

'Dean, have you seen Hermione anywhere?'

'I heard them talking about going to some bathroom', he replied.

'Bathroom?' What were they doing going to a bathroom? I rushed down the halls hoping I would come across either Ron or Hermione or even Draco. But instead I ran into Uncle Sev.

'Uncle Sev, he's here. Harry's here. And very soon Voldemort will be too', I panted, 'Its starting..... war..... tonight.'

'I know, we don't have much time, we need to-' but whatever he said later was drowned. Suddenly I blacked out, I felt something pierce into me, wrecking another part of me. When I opened my eyes, I found myself on the ground with Uncle Sev kneeling beside me.

'Is it another one Ava?' I managed to nod my head. 'They are finding it fast. Ava, you know what to do.' I hugged Uncle Sev tightly, as I knew this would be the last time I could ever do that.

'I love you, Uncle Sev. And thank you for all you have done for me. I'll never, ever forget you. And I hope someday you could forgive me for doing this.'

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