Chapter : 28 Warning

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'Ava..... stay back. I have... some matters... I need to discuss with you'.

         All heads turned towards me, but I stared directly into the gleaming red eyes of Voldemort, not flinching. The others made their way out of the hall, still not taking their eyes off me. Uncle Sev and Draco both looked confused and worried, but I gave them a reassuring nod.

        Finally, it was just me and him in the hall.

'You put up a great show the last time we met. You and Lucius' son, your choice is rather questionable.'

'Like you care', I retorted.

'Oh, but I do. It matters to me who you spend your time with, like the Potter kid. Have you or have you not gotten close to him?'

'I have'.

'Good, good. And has he disclosed his plans on how to defeat me?' His eyes were piercing into mine. I knew he was trying to read my mind. Good thing I knew Occlumency, I could shut out my thoughts from him.

'No, he hasn't', I said quietly. I was actually telling the truth, they hadn't exactly told me what their plans were, but I knew what it was. He kept staring at me, and so did I. I was not going to give in to him.

'Remember where your loyalties lie, Ava. Otherwise you'll regret it.'

'What are you going to do? Kill me? You and I both know that you can't, or else you would be destroying a part of yourself.'

'That may be, but I don't have to refrain when it comes to Draco. Next time, I won't miss.' I turned a little pale when I heard this.

'What do you want from me?' I said through gritted teeth.

'What I want from you is simple. You are never to leave Malfoy Manor or Hogwarts, for that matter, without informing me or Severus. I need to know your whereabouts, and it won't help if you go wandering around the country.'

'Okay, but Hogwarts?' I asked confused. I didn't think that I would have to go back there, not after Dumbledore's demise anyway.

'Yes, you see, you and Draco will be going back to Hogwarts for your seventh year. Severus will be headmaster, and both of you are to assist him to maintain order and discipline, as prefects. I have also called upon the Carrows for their assistance. It is another win for us to have Hogwarts under our control, along with the Ministry of Magic, The Prophet and Diagon Alley.'

'D... Diagon Alley?'

'Oh yes, you would not recognise it now. All the shops were run by mudbloods and squibs, and we had to get rid of them.' I took a deep breath when I heard this, so Diagon Alley was no more.

'Fine, I will listen to you on one condition, you leave the Malfoys alone. I don't want you hurting them, in any way.' He surveyed me for a moment.

'All right. One more thing, if you ever come to know anything about Potter, even the slightest detail, you will inform me. Horcrux or not, you don't want to end up the same way your parents did, do you?' I felt my breath caught in my throat. My parents?!

'What do you mean? What did you do?'

'Oh I forgot, you don't know who they are do you?' His face broke into an evil grin, 'Well, let's just say that they defied me, and as punishment, I took away their child from them, before turning them to dust', he laughed menacingly. Anger boiled inside of me, his laugh getting on my nerves. He killed my parents for just denying him! I swiftly reached for my wand,

'Petrificus Totalus', Voldemort's body immediately became rigid, his mouth shut tight, unable to speak or move, and fell backwards on the ground. My hands were shaking with rage, 'You killed my parents before I even knew them. You made me into something I didn't want to become. You have made a monster out of me. Do you have any idea how many people I am lying to, people that I love? They deserve to know the truth, and I will tell them. Whether you like it or not, I will tell them. I will show you that you have no power over me. You are such a coward that you threaten those close to me, instead of me. But now, look who is lying at my feet.'

          After saying so much, I took a few deep breaths to regain myself. Voldemort's gleaming eyes held an astonished look, I didn't think anyone had ever spoken to him in that manner before, nor did I care. It had been in my chest for far too long and I had to get it out.

'Relashio', I whispered to unbind him and walked out of the hall, shutting the doors tight behind me, before he had a chance to fire a spell at me. Once that was done, I entered the living room, and found Uncle Sev waiting for me by the fireplace.

'Has the Dark Lord left?'

'I presume so', I said as I went and sat down beside him, resting my head on his shoulders.

'What did he want with you?' I didn't reply. I wanted to tell him the truth, but I was debating with myself whether that was the right time or not.

'Ava, what's wrong? Why are you crying?' I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I hadn't noticed I was crying. I buried my face in my hands, I hated for Uncle Sev to see me like that. I wiped my eyes, and then looked up at him,

'Uncle Sev, there is something you need to know.....'

More cliffhangers..... sorry guys!!!

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