Chapter : 40 Epilogue

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Author's Note: Hey guys!!! Thank you to all who have been with me through this amazing journey! Sadly, all good things must come to an end, but don't for a moment think that it will end here. Comment and vote! Thank you guys so much again!!! Love you!

<Ten Years Later>

'Malfoy, please can you come here and help me set the table? They will be here any moment', I called from the yard. I was frantic to get everything in perfect order. We were arranging a garden party. It wasn't for any special occasion, it was just to bring everyone together and have a great time. We did this almost every year, each time in a different venue. This time, we had the honour of hosting it at Malfoy Manor.

          I felt a hand wrap around my waist, 'Draco, get off, I am busy. Just spread these plates on the table, I'll bring in the cutlery.' I turned but he still didn't let me go.

'Relax Ava', he said while he whipped up his wand, and magically set the plates and brought in the cutlery from inside.

'Malfoy, you know I prefer doing this without magic, right?'

'Of course, how could I forget with you reminding me every single day', he smirked and kissed me, 'It looks pretty, now stop being nervous. You know they won't mind how it all looks.'

'Maybe not, but it does matter to me how we present ourselves. Just because they are our friends, we mustn't take them for granted', I said while brushing his hair to the side.

'Lesson learned, darling', he whispered and leaned in to lock our lips again. Soon, someone's arms wrapped around our legs. I looked down and chuckled, 'Come here, Scorpius', and picked up our two-year-old giggling son in my arms, 'Are you eager to meet your friends Scorp? They will come soon, so mind your manners'.

'Manners? He has perfect manners, he's my son!' Draco said pompously.

'Of course he is', I chuckled.

'Dada... n' Scorp... play...' he stuttered.

'We will, soon', Draco said and tickled him.

          At that moment we heard a few pops and turned to see the Potters, the Weasleys and a few others standing in the centre of the lawn with smiling faces.

'Hermione! Dean! Harry! Its so great to see you guys again!' We greeted everyone, and soon there was a lot of chatter.

'Bloody hell, you're practically a big boy now, Scorp.'

'Hey Potter, shall we have a drink?'

'Ava! This is lovely! I love the twinkling lights hung above!'

'Mommy, I want that flower.'

'Okay now people, dinner is served, so if you would make your way to your seats we could dig in'.

          All trooped to the long table, and began to fill their plates from the huge spread. I looked around at all the happy and cheerful faces of my friends and their children, and wondered for the millionth time, what if I had not chosen to come back? I glanced at my darling husband, who was trying to make our little son sit on the chair beside him, and I couldn't help but smile.

'Hey Ava, zoned out again, have you?' Teased Dean.

'Oh, no. I was just wondering when the small bomb under your chair might explode', I said nonchalantly and laughed at his horrified face. 'I'm joking Dean! You know I will never do the same trick twice!'

'Ha, ha, very funny', he mocked.

          After dinner we all arranged ourselves in a group to take a picture. Neville set up the magical camera, and after the huge, blinding flash, we all sat on the lush, green grass and watched as Scorpius played with James Potter, Albus Potter and Rose Granger-Weasley.


<Next Day>

           It was eight in the evening, Draco was almost home from work. The past few weeks, he had been spending more time in his office at the Ministry of Magic. I was waiting for him on the couch by the fireplace, reading a book, with Scorpius fast asleep on my lap. Then suddenly there was a circle of fire and he entered the room, looking tired and weary and slumped into the armchair beside me.

'Hey you, hard day at work today?' I asked.

'Yeah.... he's fast asleep I see', said Draco, nodding his head at Scorpius

'He insisted on waiting for you, but he couldn't make it', I said, smiling sweetly at the blonde-haired boy on my lap.

'Do you want me to tuck him in? I am on my way upstairs to freshen up'.

'Why not, I'll set up dinner in the meantime'. Draco carried little Scorpius in his arms and made his way upstairs while I made sure dinner was ready in the dining hall. Draco liked his food warm, so as soon as the table was set, I called for him. But there was no answer. Thinking he might be in the shower, I made my way upstairs. 

'Draco, dinner's ready. Dra-', I stopped short. The sight I saw melted my heart. Draco was lying curled up on the bed, with an equally curled up Scorpius, both fast asleep, and snoring slightly.

          A smile crept to my face as I watched the two people I loved most sleeping soundly. Without waking either of them, I slowly crept out the room, turning out the lights behind me.


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