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i know there's a lot of patrick hockstetter fan girls but none of them really show his craziness? all they show is a watered down version who "changes" for the main character. now i know there's a lot that don't do that, but frankly? im obsessed
and ive run out of good patrick hockstetter fanfics, so i decided to make my own.

this book will probably be triggering to some people, i mean it's a lovestory about a dude who masturbates while killing animals. what did you expect?

that being said, there will be manipulation, murder, animal cruelty, racism, slut shaming, homophobia, substance abuse, child abuse, and sexual assault. if any of those affect you in anyway that you feel like itd affect your mental health in a negative way if you read this, please for the love of god no, there are many much more tamer fanfics out there that i gareenter will be better.

theres two people writing this, one being afro latina, and one being native and east asian, both of us are lgbtq+, we each say our respective slurs that we can reclaim.

if you have certain thoughts, feelings, or urges that are depicted in this book, please contact a professional for further help and be honest, it helps.

if you can relate to eveline and patricks relationship in anyway, contact a family member and please don't put yourself in unnecessary danger to escape them, you're more important. eveline is manipulated into falling in love with patrick, a bit of a stolkholm syndrome case, and patrick isn't in love, he's obsessed to an unhealthy amount where he acts like eveline is his life source, but also underneath his control to play with. shes a toy to him.

now that we've got all this stuff out of the way, let's get into it

𝙃𝙄𝙎 𝙌𝙐𝙀𝙀𝙉 (PATRICK HOCKSTETTER)Where stories live. Discover now