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Here is the second chapter of this book, I hope you guys like it. Enjoy!


Y/n's Pov:

I did not like the thought of going to Hogwarts alone specially with no friends, I mean the trio are friendly to me but I don't think they consider me as their friend.

I am going to the Diaogon Alley today to buy my books for this year and my parents are going to buy me a pet of my choice. I want to get an owl just so I could write letters to Y/bff/n any time I want. Honestly, I will miss her alot.

After buying books and stationary for Hogwarts I went to the pet shop. There were lots of toads, owls and cats. I found a cute little brown barn owl. I asked my parents to buy it. This is the owl I bought:

After buying the owl I exited the shop

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After buying the owl I exited the shop. As I exited the shop, I saw a tall, blonde boy near the opposite shop. Never seen him before, his back was turned so I couldn't see his face. Maybe I will see him at Hogwarts. I go towards my parents so that I could go back home.

I know for a fact that alot of changes have happened with everyone because nearly everyone who is in 3rd year has hit puberty. Even I have.

I enter my house and start packing my things for Hogwarts as the session starts in 1 day. I was not excited to go because I am back to the stage where I had no friends. Let's just hope things go good.

I looked at my owl in it's cage, I had given him some bread to eat. What should I name him? Maybe Knight... Yep Knight! I go towards it.

"I will call you Knight from now on." I say to it.

It looks at me and hoots happily. I open the cage door and pet him.


Tomorrow I will be leaving for Hogwarts. At least I will have Knight with me. I packed everything needed for Hogwarts yesterday. I also got my permission slip to go to Hogsmeade signed by my parents. I would love to go to Hogsmeade but if Y/bff/n would have been with me it would have been more fun.

I wish I hadn't been petrified during my 2nd year because it wasted all my precious time that I could have spent with Y/bff/n. It was all Malfoy's fault, if he hadn't hurt me I would have not went out to the black lake and got petrified. That b*tch!


That is it for this chapter, I know it's short but I promise the next chapter will be good and long. Take care!

A Mudblood Slytherin (Draco Malfoy × Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now