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Hello, my fellow readers! Here is another lovely chapter for you!

Y/f/n= Your full name

Y/l/n= Your last name



I was looking at the lifeless being in front of me. All of a sudden my eyes felt heavy and within no time they closed and I felt my body hit the floor.


The dementor was floating in front of Y/n. Draco was looking at the commotion in front of him. He was terrified at the scene taking place in front of him. Y/n suddenly fell to the floor unconscious, the dementor started to hover over the unconscious girl. Draco had to do something or else the girl he envied the most would be nothing but a lifeless soul. Even though he cursed her and hated her, he just couldn't let her die like this.

Draco looked at the dementor. He takes his wand out of his pocket and holds it tight just in case.

"Oi! What are you doing!?" He asked the dementor to get its attention.

The dementor turned its head towards Draco, sending shivers down his spine. He holds his wand up, pointing it at the dementor. He was about to cast Expelliarmus when suddenly the door that was connected to the other carriage burst open. He looked towards the door and saw the man that was in the compartment with the golden trio.

The man looks at the dementor in front of him and his eyes widen.

"Another dementor." The man mutters.

He casts a spell and a blue light comes out of his wand and the dementor floats out of the the carriage. Draco looks slightly amazed at what just happened.

"What did you mean when you said 'another dementor' and what spell did you cast?" Draco asks the man.

"There was a dementor in the carriage I was in and it was about to hurt Mr.Potter as he had fainted. I used the same spell I used back there, it was the patronus charm." The man replied while looking around when his eye caught the unconscious girl on the ground.

"Another one, what's her name?" The man sighs and walks towards Y/n.

"Y/f/n, by the way what's your name and who are you?" Draco replied while looking at Y/n.

"I am Remus Lupin, I am going to be your defense against the dark arts teacher this year." Remus replied.

Remus gave Draco two big pieces of chocolate.

"Here take this, one for you and one for Miss y/l/n." He said.

"But what will this do?" Draco asked questionably looking at the pieces of chocolate.

"This will keep you warm and happy. I should go now." Remus said smiling and went through the door to the next carriage.


I opened my eyes and looked around I was in my compartment and Malfoy was sitting on the seat opposite me.

"What happened?" I sat up and looked at him quite confused.

"Well, if you wouldn't have fainted you would have known." He replied sarcastically.

"Really!? You are going to do this now? I mean I have a right to know what happened because the last thing I remember is that scary ghost staring through my soul." I said because if I said something sarcastic then I knew he wouldn't tell me.

"It was a dementor not a ghost and if that new professor wouldn't have came we both would have been nothing more than some lifeless souls. And to be honest, I really didn't want my soul to hang out with a mudblood's soul." He replied while being an equal amount of mean he was before.

"What is a dementor though and what the hell was it doing in the carriage?" I really wasn't in the mood to argue because my head was hurting a tad bit. By the look on his face I could easily tell that he was taken back by how I didn't argue back.

"It is like a guard, it guards the prison made for wizards, also known as Azkaban. It sucks the soul out of the body of anyone who tries to escape or whoever is sentenced the punishment of the dementor's kiss." He replied surprisingly without being mean.

"Oh...that's terrific but why did it attack us?" I asked looking at his eyes and I was amazed at how beautiful his eyes are but I shrugged it off.

"Really? Are you going to ask these much questions? Well for your information I don't know why it attacked us and here I forgot to give you this, the professor told me to give you this piece of chocolate because according to him this would help you calm down and whatever." He gave me the chocolate while rolling his eyes at the last part.

I take the piece of chocolate from his hand and take a bite out of it. It tasted amazing.

Suddenly the door to the compartment burst open and there stood Pansy Parkinson. I knew what was about to happen.

"Draco, what are you doing in the compartment with this mudblood!?" She shrieked. She legit effing shrieked. I saw Malfoy flinch too.

"A dementor had came into the compartment and y/l/n here fainted, so this new professor told me to wait until she gets up. She just got up now." He replied while frowning.

"Whatever, now come to our compartment Crabbe and Goyle are waiting." She said while glaring at me for some reason.

"You go, I am going to come in a minute I have to go change." Malfoy replied and stood up.

Pansy glared at me one last time before shutting the compartment door and leaving.

"Y/l/n, you better change too because we are about to reach the station." Malfoy said while looking at me.

"I nearly forgot." I said while chuckling a little. And for second I thought that Malfoy's look softened but it was just me I guess after all that was impossible.

Malfoy was going to leave the compartment. He had his hand on the compartment door.

"Wait!" I said a little loudly.

He turned around a little and looked at me obviously confused.

"Thank you!" I said to him while smiling and that was very odd of me and when I say odd I literally mean very odd because I never smiled at Malfoy.

"For what?" He asked looking at me as if I had lost my mind.

"For helping me, I mean if you wanted to leave you would have left me laying here on the floor but you didn't, so thanks for not leaving me." I replied while smiling at him a little.

"Um, welcome I guess..." He replied while trying to smile but also not trying and then left the compartment.

I swear to God, I have never seen him smile except when in first year Slytherin so called won the house cup for about 10 or 15 minutes.

I locked the compartment door and changed because I was the only one in the compartment.


I hope you guys liked this chapter. If you don't mind, it would be very lovely of you if you vote and comment. Take care!

A Mudblood Slytherin (Draco Malfoy × Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now