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Welcome back, my lovely readers! If you guys didn't read the note before this chapter I need to highlight that: I have deleted the chapter that I had posted before the note aka "MYSTERIOUS MESSAGE" because I had left out huge details which weren't meant to be left out as I was not in the right frame of mind. That chapter was not a part of this book. The beginning of this chapter will be the same but it's totally different after the beginning. Thank you! And enjoy this lovely chapter it is the longest chapter I have ever written in this book till now.



After a while, Madame Pomfrey came back with a tray with medications and a teapot and two cups on it. She sets the tray beside me on the bed. She gives me the medicine and pours the tea in the cups.

"Take the medicine and then we both can take tea. I have told Professor Flitwick that you weren't able to attend the class. He asked me to tell you to get well soon." She said while beaming at me.

"Thanks a lot, Madam Pomfrey!" I replied while smiling back at her.

She is very nice and is ready to help anyone in need. I take medicine and grab the cup. I drank the tea with Madam Pomfrey and we talked for a good while. My headache had lightened and I felt fresh.

15 minutes were left before the next class.

"Are you feeling any better?" Madam Pomfrey asked me.

"Yes, I feel much better!" I reply reassuringly.

"Well, you should get ready for the next class. Only fifteen minutes left before the next class." She told me while giving me a small smile.

"Oh, you are right! I should get going." I speak while getting up.

"Take care Miss Y/l/n." She said to me before I left the hospital wing. I smile and said goodbye to her.

I walk through the hallways while trying to avoid looking at other students. I knew that I was getting stares from students around me due to the incident this morning. I take my books and head towards the Transfiguration class. I entered the class thankfully before it started.

I looked around the classroom and found an empty desk. I took a seat on the desk and waited for Professor McGonagall to start the class. As I hadn't eaten since the morning I felt light-headed and my stomach felt odd.

I want to eat something but I'll have to wait for lunch. Professor McGonagall soon started the class and luckily no one sat beside me. I looked around and easily found the group of people I despised the most. We had this class with Ravenclaws so I couldn't find many people who I knew.


As soon as the class ended I exited the classroom. I was feeling very light-headed and cold sweat had started to form on my forehead. I head towards the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face so I could feel better. Little did I know that a certain blonde had an eye on me.

I entered the bathroom and washed my face. It felt nice and relaxing. I wish I could eat something.

I exited the bathroom for the next class Divination. It was with the Gryffindors. While heading towards the class I find the trio. I walk towards them.

"Hi! How are you all?" I asked them.

"Hello Y/n! We are doing good. Did the Slytherins disturb you after the incident this morning?" Hermione replied while looking concerned.

"I am trying to avoid the Slytherins as much as I can but in the end, I will still have to go to the Slytherin common room," I stated while shrugging.

A Mudblood Slytherin (Draco Malfoy × Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now