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Welcome back, my lovely readers! Here is an amazing chapter for you guys. Secondly, I'LL BE POSTING TWO CHAPTERS TODAY! Hope y'all like it!



Malfoy was swiftly walking towards Buckbeak while saying "You're not dangerous at all, are you?"

As soon as he came near Buckbeak within a second Buckbeak lifted its sharp talons and in a flash, he slashed Malfoy's arm. Malfoy fell to the ground screaming and moaning "Its killed me!" over and over. His arm had started bleeding as he held it.

Meanwhile, Hagrid calmed Buckbeak and tied him back.

“Yer not dyin’!” said Hagrid, who had gone very white.

"Hagrid! He has to be taken to the hospital!" Hermione told Hagrid as she came running towards us. Ron rolled his eyes behind her.

Hagrid lifted Malfoy up and took him to the hospital wing. As they went past me, I saw a long, deep gash on Malfoy’s arm; some of his blood was splattered onto the grass. I felt a little worried for a second as the wound on his arm looked very deep but then I remembered that it was his fault as he was the one who was disrespectful towards Buckbeak even after Hagrid warned that Hippogriffs don't like being disrespected.

Students had started walking back to the castle while Slytherin's were shouting stuff.

“They should fire him straight away!” said Parkinson, while tears fell from her eyes.

"Shut up." I quietly muttered and thankfully she didn't hear it.

“It was Malfoy’s fault!” snapped Dean Thomas. Crabbe and Goyle glared at him and flexed their muscles threateningly.

We climbed the stairs to the entrance hall which seemed to be empty.

“I’m going to see if he’s okay!” said Pansy, while everyone was watching her as she climbed the marble staircase, I just rolled my eyes at her.

I started heading towards dungeons to the common room with other Slytherins who were still muttering about Hagrid.

While heading towards the dungeons I was lost in my thoughts. Will Malfoy be alright? Most probably he will be because Madam Pomfrey is great at mending wounds and cuts. Will Hagrid be punished or fired? I don't want him to be fired, he is an amazing teacher and he has yet to show us many fascinating creatures. I hope Hagrid will be okay.

My train of thoughts was broken as I bumped into someone.

"Oh, hello Y/n!" It was the Weasley twins. They both greeted me.

"Greetings to the two coolest people at Hogwarts!" I replied to them cheerily.

"Aww, you're going to make me cry Y/n," Fred said while faking a sad expression and wiping his invisible tears. I chuckled at his actions.

"So, what are you both up to?" I asked while smiling at them.

"Just thinking of some good ol ways to prank our lovely little Mr. Filch." Both of them said together, gaining an amazed expression from me.

"Just be careful or he might behead you both and hang your heads on the wall of his office," I said staring them dead in the eye just for fun.

"No wonder you were put in Slytherin little fella," George smirked at me while ruffling my hair.

I smiled at him and then remembered that it was nearly dinner time and I wanted to freshen up a bit.

"I have to go right now but it's been a while since we hung out, so why not hang out sometime?" I asked them hoping they would say yes.

A Mudblood Slytherin (Draco Malfoy × Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now