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Here is the second chapter for today! Hope you guys like this one too!



I headed towards the great hall for dinner. Not many students were in the corridors. I entered the great hall and the first thing I noticed was that a large group of Slytherins including Crabbe and Goyle were sitting together and whispering to each other. Probably gossiping about the recent incident.

The second thing I noticed was that Hagrid was not present at the teacher's table. I wonder how he is and hope they have not fired him.

Dinner was served and nothing interesting took place and everyone was busy with their own self. After dinner, I took two extra biscuits, put them in my pocket and exited the great hall. I was heading towards the owlery and going up a flight of stairs.

I saw the hospital wing ahead. Should I? I asked my ownself. I had slowed down and was contemplating my thoughts. When I had fainted he was there even though he could have left but he is still mean to me and what if Parkinson is there?

After a long process of thinking I came to the conclusion that I will open the door to the Hospital wing slightly and if Parkinson is there I will leave but if she is not then I will enter and just tell him to get well soon. Ya, that sounds like a plan.

As I neared the hospital wing I started getting nervous. It felt as if I was getting nauseated. I stood outside the door but before I could open it, it had already been opened by someone. My heart lurched into my throat but as soon as I looked at who it was I was more than relieved. It was Madam Pomfrey, she looked at me, smiled and then turned around and said "Mr. Malfoy, I think you have a visitor!"

I could hear Malfoy saying in a snarky tune that "Tell Pansy to come back later I want to give my ears some rest."

"It's not Miss Parkinson, it's Miss Y/l/n." She replied in the gentle voice she always uses.

"WhAt? Are you sure?" He asked obviously shocked.

"I am sending her in, just see it for yourself." She said slightly frustrated and motioned me to enter.

I slowly entered the hospital wing, no one except for Malfoy was there. Malfoy looked at me with bewilderment. I laughed nervously.

It was as if Madam Pomfrey saw the awkwardness because the next thing she said was "I'll be back from my office in a few minutes." And she went into her office.

"What do you want?" Malfoy asked sitting up on the bed. I went near the bed but still stood a foot away from it.

"I just wanted to check up on you, just being a good housemate, I guess..." I replied while looking at the floor.

"And how do I trust you? What if it's just Potter, the Weasley, and that mudblood telling you to disturb me?" He asked looking at me skeptically.

"I knew it was a dumb idea to check up on you but I guess I should leave now then. Hope you get well soon." I said silently.

"You did not answer my question." He stared me right in the eyes to check if I was lying.

"It's totally fine if you don't want to trust me because I won't trust you either if you were to be in my place but I am going to be honest, the trio did not tell me to disturb you, and neither did I have any intention to disturb you," I replied to him staring him dead in the eyes too and I couldn't help but admire his goddamn eyes. His eyes are just beautiful.

"Alright I am trusting you but if you lie, you are going to regret it Y/l/n." He said while narrowing his eyes.

"Ok, if you don't mind I just need to tell you that your eyes are beautiful, I don't know if someone has told you that or not." I blurted out and I regretted it. The hell is up with me?!

Malfoy looked surprised at my words.

"Thank you, I guess." He replied while still looking surprised.

I just had to make it awkward, I hate myself for what I just said.

"I should go now, get better soon," I said while giving him a small smile.

"Bye." He replied looking confused, I mean who wouldn't be.

As soon as I left the hospital wing I felt relieved and the air felt less tense. That was the most awkwardest conversation I have ever had.

Now, back to what I was doing, I started heading towards the owlery. After climbing a bunch of stairs I had successfully reached the owlery.

I entered the owlery, many owls sat along the walls.

"Knight!" I called out to him.

He came flying from somewhere near the ceiling. He landed on the window sill and looked at me. I put my hand inside my cloak pocket and found the biscuits. I took them and broke them into little pieces and put them on the window sill. Knight hooted lightly and started eating the biscuit pieces.

After he had finished I took out the letter from my pocket and gave it to Knight.

"Can you give it to Y/bff/n and bring back her reply? It's going to be a long journey so take care and stay safe." I told him while smiling at him.

He hooted while looking at me and took the letter in its feet and started flying.

"See you soon!" I told him as he flew out of the window.

I peeked out of the window and saw Hagrid's hut. There was a light in his window. Should I go check on him and try to cheer him up? He would be happy to know that I enjoyed his class a lot. Besides, it isn't that late either and what's the worse that could happen? I mean a lot of worse things could happen but the chance of them happening is very little.

I exited the owlery and headed towards the castle grounds. It took me about 15 or 20 minutes to reach the castle grounds. I could see Hagrid's hut a little far away. After 5 more minutes, I reached his hut. I could hear voices inside.

I knocked lightly, slightly scared of getting caught. I heard some shuffling and then Hagrid opened the door. Hagrid looked kind of drunk.

"Oh, it's jus- you." He said while focusing on me. He motioned me inside.

As soon as I entered I saw the trio sitting on the sofa. The trio looked at me but then Harry glared at me and diverted his gaze onto the floor.


Hope you guys liked this chapter and I hope this double update made you guys happy! Don't forget to vote if you liked this chapter. Take care! ♥♥♥

A Mudblood Slytherin (Draco Malfoy × Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now