001. catfish

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"you love marvel movies?"

David could not believe himself. Earlier that day, the Slovakian boy had made an ad for SKIP! In the form of a Snapchat show, he'd made several video calls to his fans who were looking for him on the app and everyone thought that he was done. And he was, for a couple of hours, until Natalie had decided to go out to run some boring errands and he had to edit his newest vlog. David got really bored after a couple of hours and kind of spaced out for awhile, thinking about how much he really wanted a girlfriend right about that moment.

A lot of people can probably guess but David loves being in a relationship. He loves having his own person. His last relationship was amazing, and it was going to be really hard to top that one. Liza was an incredible woman and she was everything he had ever wanted. For awhile, David thought that the break up with Liza was a temporary thing, that they were going to be one of those couples that will somehow find their way right back to each other again once the time is right. However, now, 2 years into the break up, he realized that he can't picture himself being with Liza anymore, almost as if he's outgrown his feelings and their relationship. Natalie said that's normal, that that's the very definition of moving on, but he silently disagreed because it didn't feel like he's moved on, it felt like he just realized that he couldn't care less.

So that is why, on a random Tuesday afternoon, he found himself going through SKIP! Looking for girls to approach. Now, he was not naive, he knew that most girls are probably just going to freak out about him or even if he did find someone somewhat indifferent to his fame, the chances of them being able to tolerate him and his way of life are very slim. He didn't even know what pushed him to do this, if anything, he was actually really embarrassed that he was. He even hid his phone under his comforter as if anyone will be able to see what he was doing.

David started scrolling his screen mindlessly, not really finding anyone interesting, that is, until he saw her. Her profile read Aubrey Hughes. She was absolutely beautiful. From the pictures on her profile, you can tell that she was one of those girls who can light up a room with their smile, the one that everyone wants to squeeze because of how adorably bubbly she is. In other words, she looked exactly like David's type. Due to his immediate attraction he swiped right for her, not really thinking anything about it. She's pretty, but she can also be another crazed fan, so he didn't wanna get his hopes up. There wasn't really anyone as interesting as her after so he went back to editing.

About an hour and a half later, David got a notification from SKIP!. Apparently, he got a match. When he opened the app, he could see that the girl was typing out a message.

i wish i know what to say but i'm trash at greetings
that can use a couple of extra 'y's

that wasn't bad at all actually

When she didn't reply David decided to just go for it.

i want to ask you something

oh god
is it going to be one of those cringey pick-up lines? 🤢🤢

jesus how'd you know???
just kidding i'll spare you the torture
i actually wanted to ask if you're
really the girl in the pictures
just want to get that out of the way

i can ask the same thing to you, mr dobrik 😌😌
are you really the youtuber? 

guess we both just have to prove ourselves then

With just the slightest bit of hesitation, David pressed the video call button on the top of his screen. He breathed out a relief when he saw the same girl from the pictures show up on his screen.

"Wow, so this is the infamous David Dobrik."

David cracked a smile, "The one and only."

"Not gonna lie, I kinda matched with you because I thought you were a fake ass loser and I just wanted to play you right back." The girl smiled sheepishly, which made David laugh.

"I don't blame you, there are a fucking lot of creeps on dating apps."

"Exactly, which brings me to the question, what the fuck are you doing here? Don't you get to see the hottest instagram models, like, everyday?"

"Yeah, I guess. Okay, I probably shouldn't trust you this much but fuck it, I'm just going to say it. Most instagram models don't want real relationships. They want clout, drama, and a guy to take cute relationship goals pictures with. They're honestly exhausting to be around with and I'll never want to be in a relationship where I'm only in it for the sake of being in a relationship."

"Okay, I get that, but like, dating apps?" Aubrey asked.

"Hey! You're on this app too! Speaking of, how on earth are you also on here, you're like freakishly beautiful!"

Aubrey let out a small chuckle, and David could not stop his heart for fluttering a little bit. Fuck, this girl is so beautiful, he thought.

"Thanks, I'm flattered, but honestly, I've been really wanting to be in a relationship and I haven't met anyone interesting lately. Also, I love the fact that SKIP! Is designed for people who are really looking for relationships, not just hook-ups."

The boy nodded, as if approving to everything she's been saying then asked, "Well, now that we've established that none of us are 'fake ass losers', let's get down to the real shit. What's your favorite movie?"

Aubrey could not help but to laugh, "Seriously? That's the best you can come up with?"

"Come on, that's a real fucking question. You can totally determine what type of person someone is just by knowing their favorite movie."

"Okay, fine, let me think. Umm....would it be very lame of me to say The Parent Trap? Because I love that movie to death. But I also fuck with Marvel movies a heck ton so I guess they can also be considered as my favorite."

David gasped in excitement like the little fanboy that he is, "You love Marvel movies?"

After that David and Aubrey continued to talk to each other for hours, until Aubrey said that she had to leave.

The both of them had exchanged numbers and had made promises to text each other soon. They closed the app, and went about their day. Little did they know, that was also going to be the last time that they will ever use SKIP!.

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐘𝐎𝐔,   d. dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now