031. never change

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"what traumatic thing do you want me
to go through today?"

"Hey, Nat," Aubrey called Natalie, who was chilling on David's couch next to her.

David went out earlier and still hadn't gone home. Aubrey just happened to get out of work earlier than usual so she had to wait for her boyfriend to come home.

Aubrey and Nat was initially just chilling on the couch on their phones together until the former girl called the other.


"What do you think we should do for Dave's birthday?"

The assistant groaned, "I don't even know. That boy is fucking impossible to surprise."

The moment Nat said that, Jason walked in the house, "Are we talking about David's birthday surprise?"

"Yeah, do you have a plan?"

"Fuck no," Jason scoffed, "No matter what we do he's going to figure it out anyways."

"Is he really that good?"

"So good, it's so fucking annoying because he's so COCKY about it!" Jason complained.

"Ugh, YES! He literally always complains about how no one can ever surprise him and he's the only one who can make huge surprises," Nat explained.

"Well, it's decided then. We're going to give him the best surprise party ever, and we're going to make it so fucking good that he's going to be so jealous he didn't make it."

"And how are we going to do that? We literally have to be with him every second of every day," Natalie reminded her.

"Oh, Natalie," Aubrey tutted, "You're forgetting that you guys have me now."

"Right, we can just throw money everywhere now," Jason joked.

"Exactly," Aubrey laughed.

"BABYY, I'M HOME!" David called out as he entered his household.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Hi, Davey," his girlfriend greeted him cheerfully.

David went to Aubrey instinctively, giving her a sweet kiss. "I've missed you."

"I miss you too, bubs. How was Jonah and the Antonyans?"

"Great, actually. Nat, you fucking missed out. They had kebabs."

"Yeah, we're here too you know! Just saying in case you forgot," Jason snarked, which made the group burst in laughter.

Natalie gasped, "Why didn't you bring some back  asshole."

"Because I know it would make you happy."

Aubrey and Jason chuckled. This was the most perfect example of David and Natalie's friendship.
"Don't worry, Nat. I'm cooking dinner for us so we're still eating good tonight," Aubrey reassured the angry girl.

"Wait, you're cooking dinner?" David said, changing his demeanor almost instantly.

"Yep, was planning to make your favorite chicken wings for you baby, but since you already ate, I think I'll just cook something else for the rest of us," Aubrey smirked.

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐘𝐎𝐔,   d. dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now