017. prada

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"Just put it in my family tab."

It was the next day and David was tagging along with Corinna, Natalie, and Aubrey on their shopping trip. It was pretty risky because the paparazzi could catch them anytime but for some reason they didn't care as much as they should.

Aubrey had some free time from work that afternoon so Corinna and her made plans to grab lunch and go shopping because Corinna and Natalie wanted to invest in a new bag and they wanted Aubrey's opinion.

David just happened to be around the area and so he thought he'd come with them. It was very rare for him and Aubrey to have free time at the same time so he wasn't going to miss his chance to spend more time with her. They were now entering a Prada store since Corinna had had her eyes on one of their purses for awhile now. Entering luxury boutiques made Aubrey really nervous, since they usually know her family and her. The chances of the staff recognizing her was actually pretty high, since she's technically famous in the world of the extremely rich.

Corinna was showing David and Aubrey the bag she wanted whilst they were casually sitting down on the couch when what she feared finally happened.

The store manager had seen her and was now approaching the dark haired girl, "Ms. Hughes! What a pleasure to see you at our store again. Is there something we can help you with today? All our exclusives are over there, we can show you them right now, just give us a second."

Aubrey's heart dropped down to her stomach. She could feel her friends' eyes on her and they were making her really nervous. She thought about all of her options, she could still somewhat get away without telling them anything if she could come up with something good enough but she was too late, because before she could say anything another staff member came up to them.

"We dressed your brother for your family's new company launch a couple of months ago in New York, he was an absolute pleasure to dress," the staff conversed, completely oblivious to Aubrey's current situation.

"Wait," Natalie trailed off, "You're Aubrey Hughes as in Robert Hughes? The genius billionaire Hughes?"

The staffs around them slowly backed away, realizing that the group probably needed a moment. Aubrey didn't say anything, which only confirmed Natalie's assumptions.

"No fucking way, you are?" Corinna asked.

Aubrey smiled sheepishly at them, "Yeah...I'm Robert Hughes' daughter, that's why they know me."

Natalie was silent in shock whereas Corinna was squealing in excitement, "No way! That's so fucking cool! You're like a legitimate billionaire!"

Aubrey chuckled at her, "Yeah, it definitely has some perks."

Natalie stepped out of her reverie and began to be as equally as excited as her blonde friend. "Oh my god, you have to show us what it's like shopping for you!"

Not wanting to disappoint her friends, she reluctantly gave in to their requests and started to shop with them. As annoying it is to admit, shopping at luxurious stores wasn't something big for her. If she ever wanted something, she could easily buy it whenever she wants. She doesn't even receive salary from her jobs, she just uses her family's issued credit and savings card.

Unfortunately, she noticed that David had grown quiet after she admitted that she was, in fact, a billionaire's daughter. She wanted to talk to him, but he'd walk away whenever she tried to approach him and she could see that he was trying to put on a face for everyone, which suggested that he probably doesn't want to talk about it now.

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