034. cooking up a storm

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"this is going to be our project."

Aubrey was in a meeting with her foundation. They were trying to branch out and not just focus on children's education anymore. They still wanted to prioritize children though, so now they were just trying to figure out what they wanted to build a project on.

"Hey, Aubrey," one of her colleagues called, "Should we do a back to school thing?? Give out gifts and maybe pay some college loans for people. I think we have some extra budget from marketing we can use too."

Aubrey was about to agree when another person from her team said, "Oh, actually, my team wanted to use the money to get more exposure for the foundation in the media. Get more people to know about our programs and causes and stuffs," another one responded.

"Yeah, and I don't really like that idea it makes us look like santa claus and we can't really do this all the time."

"Well we have to allocate our money somewhere! Right now it's just sitting there collecting dust!"

"Why is this even happening? Our budget and programs should've been planned out months ago!"

"It has! We have tens of programs out there that are being implemented, we're just looking for more to do!"

The meeting room was starting to look like a warzone. Aubrey could feel her headache coming already so she stayed quiet and let them say what they want in the mean time. Since when was finding an extra summer program for a fucking foundation so hard?

She held her face in her heads, unable to zero in any voices speaking at the moment. They weren't even thinking about helping people at that point, they were just trying to sound smarter than the other.

Once she felt like she couldn't take it anymore, the girl banged her hands on the meeting room table.

The sudden bang shut everyone up.

"You guys are unbelievable!" She said sharply, shaking her head in distaste.

Collecting all her belongings, she stood up from her position at the head of the table and walked towards the exit, "I'm leaving. Ask my secretary to contact me when you guys have an idea or when you've all decided to act like actual professionals. Until then, don't disturb me any further today."

Aubrey walked with utmost poise out the door, heading straight towards the lobby. Her car arrived there soon after she did, and she immediately drove it away from her office with no hesitation.

Work had successfully driven the brown haired girl mad for the day so she decided that she was going to go to the place where she was going to be grounded.


To her annoyance, no one was at home when she reached David's household. On the verge of tears from all the stress, the girl parked her car and got herself into the house since she knew all the codes. Sadly, she forgot that the front door was going to be locked. Exasperated, she kicked the door lightly, praying to God that he door to the backyard was going to be miraculously unlocked.

God must've heard all her chants of prayers because it was. Letting out the biggest sigh of relief, she made her way inside.

Now what?

There she was, standing in the middle of her boyfriend's empty house, staring into space, having no idea what to do or why she just did what she did.

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐘𝐎𝐔,   d. dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now