052. hollywood monster

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"remember when you were in a relationship
that didn't make sense?"

"Davey!!" Madison greeted him the next day.

It took everything for David not to roll his eyes. Madison was a solid friend of his since she always wants the best for his career but lately she's really been getting on his nerves. She's been taking shipbaiting on a whole other level, to the point where even the people that he knew even thought they were dating. The worst part was Madison loved it when people thought they were dating, after all, it's a guaranteed relevancy.

"Hey Mads," David greeted back, putting on a smile.

"I heard you're going to Bali with the gang next week."

The boy almost let out a groan. Now he had to find a way to make sure she's not going to offer herself to go with them.

"I'd love to come with you guys."


"Actually," David scratched his head, trying to figure out a way to stop her, "We booked the jet and villa already, I don't think there's anymore rooms Mads."

"Damn," She cursed, convinced that David was also bummed out.

Before Madison figured out that she can actually just go there on another flight and crash somewhere, David turned on his charms and steered the topic somewhere else.

It was a Sunday and David was at his house, a new luxurious modern mansion he got for himself just to feel something and make him feel like he's been doing something right.

Madison coming over was a surprise, she literally just showed up out of nowhere. He regretted telling her his security code now.

"Are you filming anything today?"

"Nah, Nat and Ilya are coming over soon. I think we're going to just have a night in and zoom call our Vernon Hills friends," David informed her, fully knowing that it's going to turn Madison off since she probably thought he was going to the party at Chateau Marmont. Knowing her, she probably came so she can show up there with him in her arm.

"Oh, I better head out then. I promised Kelsey and Charlotte I'll go with them to the party tonight."

"Alright, bye then."

"You sure you don't want to come with? You're more than welcome to join us," She winked.

"No, I'm good. I'm not in the mood to go out."


When Natalie and Ilya came over, it felt like he just had a party on his own. Nights were always best with his closest friends. They can just bullshit back and forth together and do the most random shit. It was just like the old times.

"So Madison texted me earlier," Natalie told her friends.

A loud groan was heard from the two guys.

"She said that you were being "stand off-ish" today," She continued with a chuckle.

David laughed, "What the actual fuck is she on?"

"I know," Nat laughed along, "I was like 'what? what do you mean?' because I didn't want to be rude and like completely dismiss her and she was like 'yeah, David totally pulled away and like didn't even really acknowledge me' it took everything in me not to cringe."

"Well, can you blame her when David's been stringing her for so long?" Ilya chimed in.

"Yeah, will you just fucking date her already? It's painful to watch this go on any longer," Natalie added.

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐘𝐎𝐔,   d. dobrikWhere stories live. Discover now