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Sadly I dont own Doctor Who! But I do however own my OCs!

What just happened? Thats all you can ask your self when you open your eyes and see the consoel of the TARDIS. I know the only words I could come up with was "how." Confused but yet excited would be how I would describe how I felt. How any Whovian out there would feel if they woke up on the TARDIS. Thats how I Elizabeth Coleman felt after I fell asleep in my bed but woke up on the floor of 'Sexy' her self.

Character description-

Name-Elizabeth Coleman

Eye color- Blue with a silver ring.

Skin tone-lightly Tan.

Hair color- Blonde with permanit blue streaks. (Hair goes down to her waist.

Age- 20

Height- 5'9

weight- 120ibs (athletic body)

Species- Human/Time Lady (It will make more sense when you read)

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