Part 1

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Jay's POV

" HAILEY YOU GOOD? " I shout panicked after an explosion goes off " YE GOOD, YOU? " hailey shouts back as her head appears from behind a crater.

We both get up and walk towards each other, double checking each others faces for scratches. " Jay, Hailey you good? " Voight asks over the radio. " ye sarg were good. Where are you guys? " I ask over the radio. " Back at the car, were going back to the district. I called bomb squad and CSI, theres nothing more for us here. " Voight answers " Copy sarg. " I reply walking off beckoning for hailey to follow. " I need to stop off somewhere on the way back. " Hailey says typing on her phone. I give an confused look. " just need to pick up a parcel- clothes if you must know. " she answers smiling. I nodd and get into the car.

Haileys POV

I jump out the car and walk into the post office to collect the parcel. " exuse me? " a small voice says from next to me. " hi, you okay? " I reply crouching down to the little girls height. " my mummy left me here. I dont know where she is. " the little girl replies almost in tears. " I'm a Hailey, a cop. How abouts you help get my parcel and you come with me. You can be my little helper. " I say trying to calm the little girl. " okay. " she says in a winey voice.

Once I've collected the parcel I ask the little girl for her name. " Hey darling what's you name? " " Dhalia. " she replies holding my spare hand super tight and opening the door with the other. " that's lovely. Look theres my car. That's my partner Jay, hes super awesome. " I say as we walk over.

Jay's POV

I see hailey walking back out with a little girl holding one had and the parcel in the other. " Hey, hailey " I say raising my eyebrow wondering who the girl is. " " Hey, this is Dhalia. I said she can be my little helper. " hailey says in a of ' not now Jay ', whilst helping Dhalia into the car.

Once buckling Dhalia in and placing the parcel in the boot she gets in and starts the car. " hey Dhalia, how old are you? " I ask. " four. " she replies holding four fingers up. " cool. " I reply smiling at how cute she looked.


Haileys POV

Jay and I walk into the district, Dhalia between us holding both our hands. " Hey Platt! " I say chirpyly making a beeline for the stairs. " Hey. " she replies, dull as usual.

" Alright, forensics found a blood trail belonging to a 30 year old woman. " Voight says pinning a picture of a woman on the board as were walking up the stairs. " Hey Sarg? " I say nodding down at the girl. " Who's this? " he asks confused. Jay takes Dhalia and my parcel into the break room. " She was at the post office. I went to pick a parcel up on the way back and she started talking saying her mum left her. Shes four, her names Dhalia. " I say with the whole team looking at me. " Does she know her mums name?, Did anyone see? " Kevin asks. " She hasn't said much. The woman working there had no idea she was there. Just seen a woman coming in. She assumes it was her mum. " I explain. " Alright Hailey you and Halstead focus on Dhalia. The rest of us have got this. " Voight says, turning back to focus on the case.

I walk into the break room were Jay is making Dhalia laugh doing God knows what. " Hey. " I smile " Hey, everything good? " Jay asks still messing around with Dhalia. " Ye, Voight wants us focusing on Dhalia. He said he doesn't need us. " I say sitting down next to Dhalia. " what you drawing there? " ask Dhalia. " A special box. Mummy shown me it before, she says it goes BOOM if your not careful. " she says completely oblivious to what she just said. Jay and I's head jump up to see if were thinking the same thing. " I'll go tell Voight. Stay with her. " Jay says jumping up and walking out the door.

Jay's POV

I walk out the break room into voights office. " Hey Voight, Dhalia said something. I think its linked to the bombing. " I say closing the door. Voight looks up suddenly interested. " what do you mean? " he asks " She was drawing and Hailey asks her what she is drawing. She says it's a special box and her mum told her if your not careful it goes boom. " I explain. " Alright, go try get some more information off her. Ask Kim to have a look if our suspect has a kid. " Voight says getting back to work.

I walk out and head over to were Kim's sitting. " Kim, can you have a look to see if our suspect has a kid? " I ask " Ye sure. " kim replies already looking through the suspects personal social media.

I head back into the room were hailey is already started asking more questions.
" okay, so shes been building this for about a week. Did she say were she was going to put it? " Hailey asks calmly helping Dhalia colour. " she said a warehouse. We went there this morning. " Dhalia answers looking at me sitting down. hailey and I look at each other and she darts out the room.

Haileys POV

I dart out the room to go and tell the team Dhalias mum is the bomber. " Guys! " I shout getting there attention. " Dhalias mum is the bomber. " I say just as kim walks in from another room confirming what I just said. " So what do we do now? " Antonio asks Voight who has just emerged from his office after hearing us. " Tonio, kim go bring the suspect in. " Voight orders. " one more thing Sarg. " kim says before walking down the stairs. " What is it? " Voight asks. " Dhalia is adopted. Her mum lives in Chicago but theres no name. " kim answers before heading off. My eyes go wide, a wave of nausea hits me and i run to the bathroom.

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