part 61

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Haileys POV

I'm putting the last bits and pieces on the kitchen island, just as Jay opens the door for Kim, Adam, Sierra and Dhalia. " Hi guys " I smile as they make there way into the kitchen area. " Hi, how are you? " Kim asks, bubbly as ever " I'm good thankyou " I reply hugging kim.
" Aunty Hailey, Lia scared Daddy " Seirra grins, fiddling with Dhalias ponytail. " I wasnt scared Si " Adam says very seriously " Whatever Adam " Kim rolls her eyes. " Before this goes any further how about you go and choose a room. Dhalia, go show Sierra where you both are staying. " I say pouring  everyone a drink.

Jay's POV

Once everyone's gone off there own way I can finally ask Hailey hows she is really feeling. Non of her family is going to the wedding, which she is finding difficult even though she isnt letting it show. " How are you really doing? " I ask Hailey, sitting down on a bar stoole next to hers " I'm good Jay- honestly. I mean I wish my brothers where here; Zack atleast. " Hailey replies, trying to hold back tears. I pull Hailey into a hug. I admire her strength, however sometimes she is her own worst enemy when it comes to her feelings. " I'm sorry Hails " I whisper into Haileys ear " Your family isn't coming. Well Will, Nat and owen are but you dont have your parents " Hailey says wiping her tears away. " My parents cant help not being here. I'd be slightly creeped out if they were " I joke, trying to cheer Hailey up. " True! " Hailey laughs, going into give me a kiss.

General POV

About an hour later, the whole team has finally arrived and sorted out where they are all staying for the next couple of nights. " This is a really great cabin " Al says, tucking into his banana " Ye it's great " Voight adds. " Can we go explore today please! " Dhalia beggs running into the kitchen area, Sierra not far behind. " Yes, ofcourse " Jay replies. " Can we go play outside now? We wont go far I promise " Dhalia asks, not wanting to push her look. " Its okay with me if it's good with Adam and Kim " Hailey smiles, looking over to Kim and Adam for approval. " Ye sure. Be careful though " Adam says throwing a bottle of sunscreen to Sierra. It was the middle of summer so it was really warm. The tress added a little bit of shade, but the sun still bounces through the tree tops.

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