part 4

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Jay's POV

Before to long we pull up outside M&S.
" You ready? " I ask hailey. " Yep, here we go. " Hailey replies full of dread. We both get out the car, I help Dhalia our while hailey gets a shopping trolley.
" come on then. " I say to Hailey and Dhalia walking into M&S.

Once we get to the clothes bit Dhalia starts running round picking up every pink top she sees. " Dhalia sweetie, calm down a little. " hailey says laughing. " Hey Dhalia. How about you pick 2 pink tops and others so you dont end up looking like candy floss. " I say chuckling seeing Hailey needs a had. " Okay. " she replies putting a bunch of pink tops back on the rack only keeping two.

Haileys POV

I'm completely out of my depth with Dhalia. Jay is so good with her. " Hey I'm going to go get some bottoms and wash stuff for Dhalia. Meet you back here in 15. " I say. Jay nodds as I'm walking off round the corner.

I'm looking through a pile of leggings when I hear a familiar voice behind me. " Hailey Upton in the kids clothing isle. Never thought I'd see the day. " I turn round to see my dad standing there with a grimise on his face. " What do you want? " I ask " nice to see you to! How old is she? " he asks with a smirk. " not now I'm busy. " I say picking the three pairs of the same leggings and walking off. " come on Hails dont be like that! " my dad says loud enough to be heard from round the corner.

Jay's POV

" Ye, you sure you want these ones? " I ask looking at the funny patterns on Dhails chosen tops. " Yep! " she grins. " Alrighty let's go find hailey. " I say lifting Dhalia into the trolley. Before we manage to move anywhere hailey comes storming up the isle looking mad. " Hails what's up? " I ask. " Let's pay for these and get out of here! " she snaps putting the leggings into the trolley. About a second later a tall, heavy set man walks up the isle shouting her name. " Who's that? " I ask pushing the trolley. " My amazing dad! " hailey answers hiding behind me. " oh right let's go. " I say speading up. Dhalia starts to giggle due to the speed were going at.

" NOW YOUR IGNORING AND AVOIDING ME! " Haileys dad yells from the isle we've just turned off. " Take the trolley and pay I'll meet you at the car. " I say to hailey storming towards her dad to give him what for. " Hey! What you do you think your doing shouting at her like that? " I snapp squaring up to haileys dad. " Its got nothing to do with you sunshine! " he answers back. That's when I loose it and take a swing at him; knocking him to the ground. " You come near her again you'll have more than a bloody nose! Understand. " I say walking off.

Haileys POV

I'm putting the Dhalia and the bags in the car when Jay comes storming out. " What did you do Jay? " I ask knowing hes done something stupid. " Let's just say he wont be bothering us again. " Jay replies getting in the car. I shake my head in dissper whilst getting into the car myself.

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