part 43

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General POV

Hailey and Jay are getting ready to head out for the evening, but were still waiting for Hank to come and pick Dhalia up. " mommy, wheres Pops? " Dahlia asks dragging herself by the feet. " In a min " Jay starts before theres a knock at the door. " Yeeey! " Dhalila grins running to open the door. " Hey Pops, I'm ready! " Dhalia says greeting Hank " Hey kid, go get your parents. " Hank chuckles " Mommy, Daddy! " Dhalia sings happy that Hanks here. " Were coming Dhalia, chill you beans " Jay says walking through into the living area. " Hi Hank. " Jay nodds passing him Dhalias night bag. " Hey. " He smiles taking hold of Dhalias hand. " Bye mommy, bye Daddy. Can we go now Pops? " Dhalia asks trying to pull Voight out the door. " Give your poor parents a hug Dhalia. " Hank laughs at how eager Dhalia is to get going. Dhalia runs over and gives them a half hug " Done! " Dhalia says running to the door. " Come on then. Bye guys. " Hank waves closing the door behind him.

Haileys POV

" Jay! " I exhale in amazement. The restaurant was beautiful. There was beautiful potted palm trees everywhere and golden chandeliers dangling from the ceiling. " You like it? " Jay asks smiling from ear to ear " Jay, its amazing! " I say, looking around the room taking, everything in. " How can you afford this? " I ask, knowing full well this isnt cheap in the slightest. " Babe, dont worry about it please. I want to just enjoy tonight with the most amazing woman. " Jay says. " I love you Jay. " I smile " Love you to Hails. "

" So, its Dhalias birthday next week. " I say, eating the lobster Jay ordered for the two of us. " We haven't got anything for her and what about the party? " Jay says wide eyed with panic. " Jay, it's a week we have plenty of time. " Its cute how invested Jay is when it comes to Dhalia. Hes not even her Dad but has taken her on like his own and loves her like his own. " What's your idea then? " Jay asks " Well, she could have a few of her friends round and we could have the team round as well. Just something simple with the people that love her. " I say taking a sip of wine. " She will love that. Just one condition. " Jay says pointing his finger " What? " I ask not sure where this is going " No more my little pony stuff please! Theres Dora everywhere in her bedroom and the living room looks like a petting zoo for my little pony. " Jay practically begs " Ye, definitely! " I chuckle in complete agreement.

Jay's POV

It's nearly the end of the meal, nows the chance to asks the most amazing, beautiful woman to marry me.
" Hailey, your the most amazing woman I know. You have this amazing capability to know when I need cheering up and how to comfort me when you being goofy wont make me feel better. When I need a shoulder to cry on your right there by my side; no matter the time of day. You are the most amazing mom to Dhalia, you show her how much you love her and its clear to everyone you would to go the end of the world and back for her and anyone you deeply care about. You let me in to your and Dhalias life, giving me the best daughter I could ask for and making me the luckiest guy ever. I love you so much Hailey, so will you make me even more happier and marry me? " I get down on one knee and open the ring box. Hailey just stares down, completely frozen, her eyes rimmed with tears.

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