part 9

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Jay's POV

Five minutes later we get to the pizza place and Dhalia runs towards a table next to the window. " Over here! " Dhalia shouts already at the table. " I think were sitting over there. " I say laughing to Hailey. " What makes you think that? " Hailey asks sarcastically. We sit down at the table and Dhalia has already found the colouring book. " What do you want Dhalia? " Hailey asks looking through the pizza menu. " Margarita please. " Dahlia replies still colouring. " I'll have the same. " I say looking at hailey " me too. " she adds getting up to go and order.

Haileys POV

I get up and head towards the till to order the pizza. " what can I get for you today? " the lady behind the till asks. " can I have one kids margarita and two adult ones please. " I tell her. " Of course. Any drinks? " the lady asks. " 3 waters please. " I reply handing over a fifty dollar note knowing the price already. " Thankyou miss I'll bring them over soon. " she smiles and walks off.

" nooo Jay shrek isnt a donkey! " Dhalia giggles as I sit back down. " Hailey isn't shrek a donkey? " Jay adamantly jokes " The only donkey around here is you! " I laugh earning a kick on my leg from under the table off Jay whilst Dhalia belly laughs. " Here you go. " The waitress says putting the pizzas and drinks down in front of us. " Thankyou! " dhalia says grinning " Your very welcome darling. " she says smiling.

" How about after this we go to the shop and get some toys? " I ask Dhalia " Oooo yes please! " Dhalia replies jumping her shoulders up and down. " That's settled then. " I reply pulling Dhalia into a side hug. I look up and Jay who's turned very serious all of a sudden " Jay? " I ask " hu ye? " he replies jumping out a daydream. " you good? " I ask raising and eyebrow. " Ye I'm good I gotta go to the district,Voight says its important. Sorry. Bye Dhalia bye Hails. " Jay replies jumping out his seat is off out the door before we can say anything else. " Wheres jay going? " Dahlia asks finishing her last mouthful of pizza " He gotta go to work. Let's go get some toys. " I reply trying to divert the conversation. " Okay. " Dhalia replies putting her coat back on.

Jay's POV

I walk into the district and run up the stairs when Platt yells. " Chuckles over here! " I walk back down the stairs to Platt chuckling. " ye? " I ask leaning on the front desk. " Hows hailey coping? Dont stay what do you mean because I know and so does most the district. " platt asks and explains." Ye shes good, alot more relaxed than yesterday. " I reply " Good now get upstairs Voight wants you. " platt orders. As I'm walking up the stairs I pause and turn around. " Platt, its detective chuckles. " I laugh. " Get upstairs for Detective. " platt laughs shaking her head.

I walk up the stairs and the whole unit is running round like headless chickens. " Are you guys okay? " I ask confused. " Oh my God halstead thank the lord. " Kim says running over to fill me in. " Another bomb went off in a car car park belonging to an apartment building. Josies ex lives there. " kim explains handing me her ex's file. " Lots have bombs have gone off over the years. Why is this one causing you to run round...oooooh! " I stop mid way after seeing who the ex is. " Xylia Quince. Isnt he the most wanted person in the US for mass gun attacks? " I ask now alarmed myself. " Yep, and by the looks of things he is heading to a school right now! " Voight barks coming out of his office. " I called SWAT, there on there way now. 3 of us are needed as back up: Jay, Adam and Atwater you three have the best shots I want you heading down there now. " Voight orders. " Got it Sarg. " I say whilst the three of us run down to the armoury.

30 minutes later were at the school loading our selves up. " Detective Halstead nice to meet you. Daz James, head of SWAT. " a says coming over to introduce himself. " Nice to meet you. " I reply shaking his hand. " So you guys go in and evacuate the kids. Your going to go in pairs with one of my guys for extra safety. " Daz explains. " Okay are we going from the 3 side entries? There the safest to get out of if he gets past us. " Ruzak asks. " Ye. Ruzak and Kobi you go from the west, Atwater and mel you go from the right, Halstead and Dom go from the east. " we get into a pairs and run into the school.

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