part 34

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Jay was awoken during the night by the sound of Hailey being sick in the bathroom. " Hailey? " Jay questions walking into the bathroom to Hailey with here head over the toilet. He stands there holding her hear out her fair and rubbing her back. " What's going on Hails? " Jay asks knowing something isnt right. " nothing Jay. " Hailey says once she has finished. " Its clearly nothing. If it was nothing you wouldn't be throwing up and fainting. " Jay says annoyed at the fact hailey isn't telling him something. " JAY! Just leave me alone. I'm going to sleep in Dhalias room. " With that Hailey was off.

Haileys POV

I know I'm going to have to tell him at somepoint but I cant just yet, I'm not ready. Dhalia is still fast asleep, completely oblivious to everything. The sun started to shine through the curtains ,blinding me, like it does every morning at seven am. " Dhalia honey, wake up. " I shake Dhalia who's pretending to be asleep still. " Dhalia, I'm not in the mood for messing around this morning, get up. " I sternly say walking out the room.

Jay's POV

" Morning " I say making Dhalias pack lunch. " Ye " Hailey says in a mood for some reason. " Hailey, we have to talk. This isn't you. " I'm so confused to why Haileys behaving like she is and why she is being sick. " JAY FOR THE LOVE GOD STOP GETTING AT ME!! " Hailey shouts, throwing her empty coffee mug at me. " mommy? " a small voice from behind says. Her voice full of fear. " Morning sweetheart. Lets get breakfast on the way to school. " I say picking Dhalia up and grabbing her bags on our way out the door.

General POV

" Jay, what's wrong with mommy? " Dhalia asks taking a seat on the booth. " I wish I knew Dhalia. So pancakes and milkshakes or waffles and juice? " Jay asks looking at the menue. " Waffles and milkshakes " Dahlia grins, knowing she has Jay wrapped around her little finger. " Fine, just this once though! " Jay agrees since Dhalia got a shock this morning. " Why is mommy sniffing flour all the time daddy? " Dhalia asks and Jay practically spits his coffee out. " What? " " Mommy, she sniffs flour in the bathroom. " Dhalia says again to a confused and shocked Jay. " You can finish that on the way to school, I need to drop you off and talk to your mum " Jay says leaving the money on the table.

Jay's POV

I storm back into the apartment after dropping Dhalia off early at school after her telling me hailey is snorting powder. " HAILEY, WHAT THE HELL?!! " Hailey comes into the door way acting like nothings wrong. " what? " she asks with an attitude. " DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IM PISSED AT. SNORTING POWEDER? INFRONT OF OUR DAUGHTER? " I shout really angry at hailey. " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GOING ON ABOUT? ALSO SHE IS MY DAUGHTER, NOT YOURS! " Hailey shouts back completely spaced out. " YOUR HIGH AS A KITE HAILEY, WHATS GOING ON? WHY YOU ACTING LIKE THIS? " I ask pacing back and forth. " NO IM NOT, GO TO WORK ILL MEET YOU THERE!! " Hailey orders pointing towards the door. " You know what, fine, do whatever the hell you want. Just so you know, Dahlia isnt coming anywhere near you until you get yourself sorted out. " I state slamming the door.

I walk towards my desk and throw my jacket down in frustration wondering what the hell I'm supposed to do now. " Hey what's going on? " Atwater asks seeing my little burst of frustration. " Nothing " I shake my head. " Wheres Upton? " Ruzak asks walking out from the locker rooms. " Home " I reply, hoping everyone will just assume she isnt well. " Why? What's going on with her? she been acting weird for a while and now being sick and fainting. " Antonio asks, knowing something bigger is going on with Hailey. " I dont know okay, ask her yourself. " I snap causing the whole room to look at each other in shock. I never snap or shout unless I'm really pissed off or wowned up about something. " JAY MY OFFICE! " Voight orders through the closed door of his office.

" What? " I ask, closing the door behind me. " One, don't speek to me like that, two what's going on? " Voight asks. " Hailey and I had an argument this morning. She ended up throwing her empty coffee mug at me so I took Dhalia out for breakfast and she told me hailey is doing drugs. I confronted her and that's when we argued. It was bad. " I explain to Voight, his eyes are bulging. I know where thinking exactly the same- Erin and the path she went down after Nadia was killed. " Sarg we cant let her go down the path Erin did; especially with Dhalia. " I choak, struggling to keep it together. " I wont let that happen, not again. " Voight promises, coming round to give me a hug. " Thanks. " I smile pulling away from Voight.

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